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May 18, 2003

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby DejaVuGurl1203 on May 18th, 2003, 9:38 pm
Got there around 10:20 and had to wait a little bit before we got in because the lines were long and barely moving. I ran to Superman and waited an hour and a half for the very back. Then I went over to Viper and waited about 20 minutes for the back. After that I went to Raging Bull and used my fastlane pass and the line seemed slow, and that's when I realized they were only running 2 trains. At one point they added the third train. Waited about 15 minutes for the back. I love RB this year, it's faster and much better than before. Then I waited about 15-20 minutes for Giant Drop. We had lunch at Farmer's Market after that. Then I headed over to American Eagle and it was a walk-on until right before the stairs for the blue side. Waited about 5 minutes for the third row on the first car. I didn't go in the front because the line was long and the whole first car on one of the trains was broken. Had a very fun ride on that, I like it better than last year. Then I went over to Iron Wolf and used my fastlane and went in the back row. I was the only one in the back row, which was cool. But the ride seems MUCH more rough than before. It makes it more fun in a way, though. Then I went to V2 and used my fastlane and waited less than 5 minutes for the 5th row. Then I went on Batman, used my fastlane and waited 15 minutes for the back. This is my 4th time riding the back and this was better than ever! I think I'm gonna ride the back on BTR from now on lol. Then I went back over to Superman, waited an hour and a half once again for the back. When I was in the station, they sent out an empty train, and that meant the ride broke down. I had no idea what happened, some people were saying that someone dropped something while on the ride. After that I headed over to RB. When I got into Southwest Territory, when I was about to pass Chubasco I saw that the cars on Giant Drop were stuck about quarter-way up the tower. I waited in line for RB for about 15 minutes. At one point I heard people clapping while looking at Giant Drop and so I turned to look at GD and the cars were coming back down slowly. As usual I went in the back on RB, and when I got off I could see the SFGAm sign by Grand Ave. and it said it was 5:51 and I decided to get right back on RB. This time it was 10 minutes for the back. Then I went back over to Superman, rode it two times, both times in the back, waited for about an hour both times, and the last time was a night flight. Overall this day was awesome.

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Postby chiatrain on May 19th, 2003, 6:51 am
DVGurl, good TR and glad to see you had an enjoyable day at SFGAm. Looks like you had a nice time.

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Postby coasterguy on May 19th, 2003, 6:54 am
Everything was open but Deja Vu, and nothing had any problems right? For May 18.
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Postby DejaVuGurl1203 on May 19th, 2003, 6:58 am
Yeah, everything but Deja Vu was open and I don't think there were any problems with any rides.

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Postby coastrcorey on May 19th, 2003, 3:47 pm
Wow... Sounds like a pretty nice day.

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Postby stolen_starz on May 20th, 2003, 6:33 pm
Ok, after a fun filled nite Saturday (prom from 8pm til 12 and then post prom from 12-3am...b96 dj'ed our post prom! it was sooo fun!! they gave away lap tops as door prizes!! geez!) We got a hotel room so we probably slept a total of about an hour and a half before getting up to head for six flags at 7am... :? <---that was me sunday morning when we got the wake-up call. hahaOk so we got there at about 9:30 and we went immediately to get in line for S:UF.. we were seriously like the 5th ride of the day! It was awesome. It seemed a lot faster then when we went May 4th. We rode in the back row (of course!) lol Maybe because it smoothed out more from them running it, who knows. But then we headed to Batman. We didn't wait long at ALL. Maybe 5 minutes. I love Batman even though it's a really short ride. After Batman we went on v2. Nate (my boyfriend) wasn't amused at all by v2, he thought it wasn't scary at all. He was actually laughing when they stopped us on the straight tower which I found odd. Whatever I guess, he's weird. haha We were in the last row too! Geez!After v2 we kinda split up from some of our group so there was about let's see... (me, nate, callie, kris, kim, brandt, joe, cleats, bryan) so that's 9 of us. It was awesome though. I think after that we went over to the Demon. I don't exactly remember all the rides in order but here are all the totals for the day...S:UF: only 1 :( (all of them wanted to leave at 7 something and we soo could've gotten one more ride, i was soo mad!!) :evil:Raging Bull: 2v2- 1Demon- 1Viper- 2Eagle- 1 (backwards, i have yet to be on it forwards!)Iron Wolf- 0 (callie wouldn't go becuz it was too bumpy last time, boo hoo!)Giant Drop- 1Whizzer- 0Deja Vu- TEN!!haha jk, 0 of course.. lolwe actually ate in the park this time. i really like the firehouse pizza place. i wouldn't buy it but we had the guys to pay! haha i had a lot of fun. i liked it better than last time (partly because nate went.. aww) but it's funner when you go with a big group and we saw people from school all day because our school does a bus trip to six flags the day after prom for 20$ but you have to leave at 6 so we just drove. i like driving better anyway so you can be there early. the buses don't normally get there til a little after 10. my friends that rode the bus just met up.batman wasn't as bumpy this time as it was last time we rode it on may 4. a lot of the rides felt different. don't know why. i regret going on the giant drop everytime they're lifting you up but i keep doing it anyways. i hate it!! haha, it scares the heck out of me!! :shock: lol but all in all, i think it was a really good day. i didn't really see you guys there. then again i didn't really look. sorry i haven't posted in a while but the last week has been REALLY busy with prom and all. my weekend was great. couldn't of asked for a better senior prom. it was soo pretty. a night in paris. that was the theme, it was sooo nice. the juniors did so good. they couldn't of done better and they raised sooo much money for post prom!! b96!! geez! i think it was tim schoemer who dj'ed. he said he was going to put pics on the b96.com site from our post prom so when he does, i'll put the link on here for anyone who wants to see. well i think that's about it. i didn't really remember what order the rides were in. sorry it isn't very descriptive but i was kind of out of it. i hadn't slept since thursday night. haha parties and prom ALL weekend. haha well that's about it, i'm going to stop rambling now. lol
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Postby chiatrain on May 20th, 2003, 10:02 pm
S_starz, glad to see you had a great time at Prom and at SFGAm. B96 DJed our post prom, too, but our DJ was the night guy(Bobby D I believe). We also went to SFGAm for after-prom on Sunday a few years ago and it was great. Luckily, our prom was on a Friday(half-day school) so Saturday was free. Sounds like you had a busy week and had a lot of fun along the way.

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Postby DejaVuGurl1203 on May 21st, 2003, 2:07 pm
Here are my May 18 pics. I have one pic of the SUF entrance and another of the SUF logo on the ground. There's 2 links because I could only fit up to 35 pics in one album and I have more than 35 pics.Album 1Album 2

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Postby SFGA 11 on May 21st, 2003, 2:53 pm
Correct me if im wrong but in picture 24 of the first album is that a wheel cover on the first row of Batman?

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Postby DejaVuGurl1203 on May 21st, 2003, 2:56 pm
I never noticed that. Yeah, it is a wheel cover. Cause I have the original size of that pic which is much bigger and I can definitely see it.

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Postby SFGA 11 on May 21st, 2003, 7:48 pm
Maybe that means they will be putting all of the wheel covers on both trains. I think it looks really ugly with no wheel covers. But, maybe finally they will be putting them on! :)

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Postby SFGA 11 on May 21st, 2003, 9:54 pm
I know that they put the canopies in the line for Superman, but when you were there did you see if they put the canopies in other lines such as Iron Wolf, Dejà Vu etc..

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Postby rctfan1556 on May 21st, 2003, 11:39 pm
ist thing about the door prizes:THEY WERE GIVING AWAY LAPTOPS?did you get one? cause is so LUCKY! what kind were they2nd about the ground logo for S:UF:finnaly they put that in the theming looks like it is soming along very nicely!

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Postby DejaVuGurl1203 on May 22nd, 2003, 6:39 am
Well I wasn't really paying attention to the canopies, but I know I didn't see any for Deja Vu.

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Postby coasterguy on May 22nd, 2003, 6:51 am
They didn't have any on Raging Bull either but they had them on Superman, Iron Wolf,
16 Rides on TTD
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Postby stolen_starz on May 22nd, 2003, 3:16 pm
about the laptops, everyone's ticket was put into a bowl thing and at the end they drew 3 names and those 3 people got the 3 lap tops but the thing was you had to be there at 3am for the drawing and if you weren't ehy just drew another name until the person WAS there and ya know what? i was the SECOND name the called!!!! i wans't there!! we left at 1:30 because i was going to nate's. he couldnt go to prom so i went over there. i just showed up to post prom for a little while. that made me sooo mad when people called my cell phone at 2 in the morning tellin me i coulda won a laptop! dangit!!!! they were brand new dell's!!!!!
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Postby coastrcorey on May 22nd, 2003, 4:45 pm
Ohh... that's a bummer!

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Postby coasterzak on May 24th, 2003, 11:22 am
That's awesome that you still had a chance at winning one though... they don't do anything like that around where I live. By the way, nice TR and glad to hear that you had such a good time at the park. Once DV starts running, the parks coaster line up will be in full force!

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