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Postby TooTired on May 11th, 2003, 2:37 pm
I in to the park at about 10:05 and go straight to S:UF only to find it closed.The employee standing in front of the entrance of S:UF tells me that it is closed due to high winds, and that B:TR and Iron Wolf are open because they are built by the same company. I felt like telling him that S:UF was built by the same company but I just walked to B:TR.So I wait for maybe 10 minutes for B:TR which is pretty good considering its one of the only rides open. I decide to go in the second row becuase it is the shortest line. I pull down the restraints and the whole train is ready to go and the lights go out and I noticed a buzzing sound comming from the ride's control panel. A few seconds later their back but the airgates won't open. They took us out of the train manually and told us to wait at the exit. A long time later (didn't have a watch) I'm on the ride. Overall I waited atleast 45 minutes....I think.Then I headed to Iron Wolf. Another 10 minute wait. I forgot how much I love this ride, its so intense.Walked all the way around the park to find everything closed and went to get my pass processed. My pass came out REALLY weird, my picture is just a black blob.Checked on S:UF again, still closed. Headed to B:TR again then decided to leave at about 12:15 because I didn't think the wind was gonna let up anytime sooon.AND IF ANYONE TELLS ME S:UF OPENED AFTER I LEFT I AM GOING TO BE PISSED.

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Postby chiatrain on May 11th, 2003, 2:41 pm
Hey TooTired, sorry about you not getting a chance to ride S:UF. I'm sitting here at home and wonder how windy it is at the park. I saw a few trees that got blown out and the power was out here for about an hour. I hope you get another chance to ride S:UF soon. The crowds must have been minimal being Mother's Day and the weather isn't all that great.

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Postby joker on May 11th, 2003, 4:06 pm
I was thinking about going today, but we decided not to go because of the wind.
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Postby TooTired on May 11th, 2003, 4:12 pm
It was a lot windier outside of the park because of the lack of buildings but it was still plenty windy.

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Postby joker on May 11th, 2003, 4:17 pm
Think about RB going down 72mph+30-40mph...
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Postby stolen_starz on May 11th, 2003, 4:46 pm
Yeah, it was REALLY windy today. My friends and I were considering driving up there but i was going down highway 20 this morning and it was so windy that a tree fell in front of my car!! actually it wasn't even mine, it was my mom's brand new buick riviera!! ahh!! i didn't hit it though. i stopped in time but it really did scare me! i don't care even if it wasn't my fault, i think my mom woulda killed me if i hit it in her car!! :?
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Postby chiatrain on May 11th, 2003, 4:49 pm
That would make a great Mother's Day gift..a brand new wrecked car. I've never been to the park when there were windy conditions but I can't imagine what it would feel like on the rides that are actually open.

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Postby stolen_starz on May 11th, 2003, 4:52 pm
yea, i actually was on my way to tanning but i got her a dozen roses and 2 of those big stuffed beany babies that were golden retrievers :) i have a golden and my mom is obsessed, our whole computer room is done in golden retriever things. but yeah, i definately would NOT of wanted to go on any roller coasters today. we actually are going to make steaks on the grill and go to baker's square for pie :) that sounds a little better than roller coasters today... too cold!! :oops:
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Postby rctfan1556 on May 11th, 2003, 6:49 pm
here is what happen to me: My dad, my brother and me got there around 9:30 and after we go in we went straight to S:UF then the employee told us it that he didn't know when it was going to open so we whet to see if Raging Bull was open after the wait at that bridge till 10:00 am when we got there the same thing happpened again it wasn't open due to the wind and the employee there didn't know when it ws going to open so we decided to wait for 10 min tosee if it would open up, i didn't so by that time we said the heck with it and were gonna leave but then we saw batman open so we decided to go and ride it but before we got there we saw that V2 had barely any line so we went to ride that. we waited about 10 min. because it got stuck at the straight away near the twist tower after they got it unstuck the people who were on the stuck train got back to the station and got off and into the line shute. Then they tested it once and those people who got stuck got back on and went without a problem so i figured it would be the same with us, I was wrong we got on i sat with my dad in the very back because he said it was the best car to sit inso i got straped in and my dad barley fit he had to take his sweater off for the restraints to fit :? then the opererator said "Prepare for launch" and we were off then we went up the twist tower and cam back down and got stuck and the straight away near the twist tower :evil: we sait there for like 10 min then the train moved forward and stopped, by this time i was freezing cold cause of the wind then like 5 min. later it moved a little more foward and stopped :x then 10 min. later we finnaly moved back to the station and they got the restraints up manually so we were thinking of staying and taking our turn but from sitting in the freezing cold wind all that time we decided not to. After that we were all cold and decided we had enough and got some popcorn and left. On the way to the out of the park all i saw was one person waiting at S:UF. After we got our hands stamped(just in case the weather improved) we were out of the park and the wind was blowing really hard , i felt like i was walking sideways. We got to the car and decided to go to Gurnee Mills but from what my dad saw he said the lights were out at Gurnee Mills so by this time we were all ready sick of this day so decided to go home and order pizza and watch a movie. So that was my most horrible day at SFGam, from when i got out of the car i knew we were gonna end up leaving in a couple of hours and i was right. Some wierd and bad things today were 1.only 3 coasters were open and not the rest 2.V2 got stuck 2 times(once when i was on it) 3.THE DAMN WIND which i hated having to deal with so much. So as i have said this was my most horrible day ever at SFGam. Was anyones more worse than mine?

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Postby rctfan1556 on May 11th, 2003, 6:50 pm
also did raging bull open anytime today?

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Postby TooTired on May 11th, 2003, 7:18 pm
I didn't see V2 open at all. Seems like they had a lot of trouble with all their coasters today. Except maybe Iron Wolf.

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Postby CoasterDave316 on May 11th, 2003, 7:24 pm
Nope. Raging Bull, Viper, Demon, Eagle Blue, Eagle Red, Superman and Giant Drop all didn't open today along with Sky Trek Tower. Iron Wolf, V2 and Whizzer were open for a very short time. All the flats and Batman were basically the only rides that ran all day long.
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Postby SFGAm Shock Wave on May 11th, 2003, 7:25 pm
I also went today.Batman was open all day.V2 was open for an hour before it broke down for the rest of the day.Whizzer was open until 1pm.Iron Wolf was open most of the day.All other roller coasters were closed all day.Also closed all day were: Sky Trek Tower, Giant Drop, Condor, Trailblazer, and Orbit.The park closed early at 5:45.
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