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8/30/14 Labor Day Weekend

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby Sharon29060 on August 31st, 2014, 10:19 am
I finally went to the park yesterday again since my last trip which was on June 8th! Arrived to the park at 1:00pm. I thought that it was going to be crowded, but surprisingly it wasn't! Every ride and coaster had a 15 min wait except for Goliath, which was an hour. Started my day off with TDKC, it had a 15 min wait, so I went for it. I don't usually ride TDKC unless it has a line less than 45 mins. Then I went on V2. Rode the 7th row, great ride! After that, I headed to X-Flight and rode it twice both times in the front of both right and left wing. Fantastic ride! Then I went on AE Blue, Red side was closed, but for some reason there were people riding it. It was great, but I think it should be re-tracked so that it is a smoother ride. Then, the moment I was waiting for for so long, GOLIATH! I absolutely love Goliath! It's my first RMC Coaster! The best part is the Zero G Stall. It is now my new favorite wooden coaster, I wish I could've gotten a second ride, but oh well, next time. Now, I can say I've ridden every coaster at the park! :D Goliath is my 20th coaster! Rode it in the middle since I was a bit nervous. This was the only ride where they were giving people boarding passes.There was a grouper in the station assigning rows, but since I was single rider, she let me pick, awesome! Next time I go on it I'll try to ride towards the back. Fantastic ride! After Goliath, I went on B:TR, it smells horrible inside the tunnel and everyone was sweating, but anyways there was also a grouper in the station assigning rows, and I was assigned the 7th row. I had never ridden B:TR towards the back, it was awesome! Then I went on Little Dipper, rode it in the back, fun kiddie coaster. Next, I went on King Chaos, there were only a few people in line. This time, it didn't hurt my legs as much as in past rides. Then, I headed to S:UF. There was also another grouper on this one, and I was assigned row 3. Great ride! I've heard there's a single rider line for this, B:TR, and Raging Bull, is this true? Since I didn't see any signs. Next, I went on Rue Le Dodge, now the exit is in the arcade, why is this? It was now 5:30pm and I went to eat something. There were people giving out Rollups, peeps, and M&M's at the exit, sweet! Then I went in the park again and rode Viper. Rode it in my favorite row, the back! Then I went on RB and there was another grouper as well, and I was assigned row 3. I don't really like how they're assigning rows. But anyways, awesome ride! Next, I headed to Demon. Rode it in the 4th row. It bang my head on the loops and hurt my ear badly on the corkscrews, which had never happened until this time. I'm ok with coasters being a little rough or having little headbanging, but my ear and head really hurt. But a few minutes later I recovered, so no big deal, still it was an ok ride. Then I stayed on X-Flight for the rest of the evening/night. About 5 mins before the park closing, since I was single rider and there was 1 person on my row, the ride operator let me re-ride, awesome!
So far, this is the best trip I've had to the park this year, and it's also my 20th trip to the park! I was shocked by how light the crowds were yesterday, especially since it's Labor Day Weekend. Also, my sister got over her fear of roller coasters and rode Demon, S:UF, B:TR, Whizzer, TDKC, and X-Flight! I'm very happy for her! I rode all the major coasters at the park today, nice! Can't wait to go again and ride Goliath a second time! :D

Ride totals:
V2: 1
X-Flight: 9
AE Blue: 1
Goliath!: 1
B:TR: 1
Little Dipper: 1
King Chaos: 1
S:UF: 1
RLD: 1
Viper: 1
RB: 1
Demon: 1

Thanks for reading!

Posts: 179
Joined: January 2nd, 2013, 10:23 pm

Postby Banky on August 31st, 2014, 11:49 pm
Went today to the park 8/31 and where you didn't have it be busy it was pretty busy today especially in the front half of the park as people getting passes and/or hitting waterpark were everywhere. well onto review.

Crews were HORRIBLE everywhere I went. Raging Bull was stacking all 3 trains a majority of the time. while I was in station there was even a train that left 4 minutes late cause the crew was arguing with some kid in row 4 to take off his flip flops but then said nothing to 3 adults and a kid all wearing flip flops in row 7 or 8? It was actually rare to see 1 train hit the lift before the 3rd train was already backed up at break run sitting there waiting. Goliath was also slow but not as bad i mean they were at least sorta trying. Hell they had 1 guy running Rue Le Dodge and measuring kids. went on it twice and saw an 8 minute wait. Yes 8 minute wait between rides and also saw another that was just under 7 minutes. saw similar things at all the flat and kids rides. nearly got a lap dance on Dark Knight from a dwarf that was checking lapbars and in order to reach my gf's lapbar in the left seat she was damn near sitting on my lap.

Now onto the getting our passes debacle. We had bought 9 passes online last night which was a pain in the first place. it took 6 attempts for things to actually show up in the cart. which is alot of filling out info over and over and over again. Ok get to the park today and one of our cars was stuck in traffic from an accident on 294 we had only barely caught. but anyway took to get nephew measured and do Rue Le Dodge and had that horrible experience above. and wasn't any better as noted above when doing them again later in the day. They really should have taken 1 of the 3-4 supervisors I saw watching people get scanned in or the 6 people standing around hoping you asked them to take your picture and put them on ride operations. But ok back to rest of season pass fiasco. When we were processing our group got split to 4 different booths where the 2 of us getting dining passes where told by different people we could get our free 2015 sport bottle at any of the places that sell drinks. 1. why in the hell are they not keeping them in the season pass building and handing them out right then and there as need calls for? 2. this also wasn't the case. upon seeing the insane line of people trying to get food/sport bottles at the pizza place right there we went across the park to Angelo's where those getting pasta enjoyed it those who got pizza and cheesy bread for cold food. and also we couldn't get the sport bottles cause they don't have them there. complained to 3 different supervisors and were given a free large drink cup to make up for it so we could least drink something with cold food. The final and third supervisor came to our table to get the story and well after having a run in there couple weeks ago where we had him in a meeting in guest relations well he remembered us and said he'd take care of problem. he comes back 20 minutes later as we were done eating for at least 15 minutes waiting on him to tell us he called season pass building to tell them to stop telling people that. Now we had thought from how he said he would take care of us two that he was going to get us sport bottles. nope he was in back all that time making a phone call. wound up telling us closest place to get a cup is that new green and yellow place (he didn't know name of it) then walked away.

Needless to say they really really really need to stress hiring and training next year as this year was abysmal in those regards.

Was nice to see both trains on Goliath running for the first time in 3 visits though so that was a plus.. Line was only 2 hours long (said 75min) rather than 3+ last couple visits. Come to think about it none of the ride time signs were even close to what real line was. Dark Knight said 30 minutes but had a que house that was full and out the door (Had a handicapped member of my group that actually went on that so we got to go exit thankfully as i wouldn't have waited for that time even if i wound up with that free lapdance from the dwarf woman lol) He wanted to go on goliath but they told us he couldn't leave his motorized scooter that he rented from the park at the base of the exit with other people that in order to use his handicap wait time sheet he would have to drive it all the way up the exit ramp and leave it there. now how the hell they expect you to get it up there let alone back up all the way down is beyond me. so needless to say he went with the little kids then to watch them in the kids area while rest of us waited 2 hours in the 75 min posted line. He went home after that around 5pm disgusted with the park service.

Posts: 68
Joined: August 9th, 2010, 11:27 pm

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