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Cedar Point - Memorial Day Weekend 2012

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby Luxornv on May 27th, 2012, 11:31 pm
In the last Memorial Day Weekend ever (if you believe the Mayans), I decided to spend it at Cedar Point. A friend of mine from Milwaukee planned this as he had in the past. Him and a few of his friends picked me up along the way and we were in Sandusky on Friday night. Since everyone had already graduated and had a real job, we were no longer poor college students and decided we could spring a little more on hotel arrangements. We stayed at Breakers Express, which you all know is a Cedar Point property. I can't really say anything bad about this place, nor really anything good. It's what you'd expect from a hotel; a clean room to sleep in with a clean shower and bathroom that works. Packaged with this was early admission to Cedar Point. We were able to get in at 9am as opposed to the normal park opening of 10am.

Our first day in the park was Saturday. We headed straight for Maverick. I never realized how large Cedar Point is after I realized it took us 20 minutes to walk from the front to Maverick. The ride unfortunately broke down while we were in line and we left for Millennium Force after about 5 minutes. The ride began working again as soon as we left the line though, but we decided to keep going and ride Maverick later. By the time we got off of Millennium, it was normal park opening time. The order is getting hazy to me, but I know we got one more on Millennium, 2 on Top Thrill Dragster, one on Magnum, Mean Streak (which wasn't quite as rough as I remember), Gemini, Corkscrew and I concluded with Raptor. My friends were able to get one on Wicked Twister, but I took a pass as I wanted to get some night shots of Windseeker, as I have seen some great pictures of one of the other ones here by another member. That really is a great ride for night photography and extended exposure. I just had some problems setting my white balance, but I think many of these turned out well. We left the park after that and had dinner at Thirsty Pony, a nearby bar. At the end of the day, I was surprised at how little of a crowd there was. We were expecting massive crowds for the weekend.

We returned to the park on Sunday at 9am after checking out. We wanted to go to Raptor, but that was closed at the time, so we headed for Windseeker. This was exactly as I predicted, just like a wave swinger, except 300 feet in the air. We then started walking back to Maverick, but I decided to break off and go for a ride on Dragster after I saw the short line. I just can't pass up a ride on that. I met them back at Millennium Force, and we waited for the front row. After I got off, I noticed a bug got splattered on my sunglasses. We hit a few more rides, and concluded with Dragster. We were exhausted from the previous day and had a long drive ahead of us, so we decided to leave for home at about 1pm. The crowds today seemed to pick up quite a bit, and it was getting a lot hotter than it was the previous day. I think the highest temperature was 70 on Saturday, and I know it hit at least 90 Sunday. We left before it got that hot though.

Good quick visit to the park, and made good use of my 4 day weekend (my boss forced me to take Friday off :P, might have to call me a WAHHHambulence for that). This was also the first time I saw the Fast Lane system in use. Currently it is a wristband, and doesn't appear to have any limitations other than the rides that are available on it. This means for all rides listed on the system, you can get unlimited rides on each of them after waiting the Fast lane time. It is a completely separate line that merges with the normal one before the station, or in the station depending on the ride. The employees didn't seem too sure of what to do as they had the person moderating the middle of the line like at many Six Flags parks. The one on Dragster was rather irritating on Sunday as he wouldn't let the normal line go for about 10-15 minutes while Fast Lane flooded the line. I'll let that slip as inexperience with the system for now. I hope they have it figured out by next season or the next time I go back.

And now for some photos.










I love how Cedar Point did this ride. I love the theme of it since I'm a drag racing fan, and the more I ride it, the more I appreciate this. I love how the train rolls out like it's coming out from under the tower and then it's just out in the open on the midway for everyone to watch the launch. The grandstands make this all the more too. I know Cedar Point is usually light on theming, but this one doesn't need a lot, and they got this one done well. Too bad they just don't run the trains with the fake engine and tires on them anymore. I know the reason, but it just looks plain without it.

For more pictures, go to https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1...=1&l=e294bc6c92

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Postby Paradise on June 1st, 2012, 11:27 am
Love the Windseeker pics. Sounds like a good visit to Cedar Point. I have to ask, what are your thoughts on the bathrooms, cleanliness of the park, operations, etc?
Have a take and don't suck, it's the Jim Rome Show!

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Postby Luxornv on June 3rd, 2012, 2:43 am
Operations seemed decent, but the line for Millennium Force seemed to be moving slowly. Bathrooms appeared clean, but smelled like crap more than a bathroom normally does. I also did notice the ride ops being rude at times. The one using the PA on Magnum was forcefully telling oncoming riders to place their loose articles in the bin. It came off as someone who was ticked off at their job and not as hospitable as it should have been. I was noticing a lot of little things that brought down the experience this time. This was probably the first visit that I wasn't so enchanted with Cedar Point, and saw it as just another park. It's still a very good park in my opinion, but I was no longer blinded by it.

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Postby tribar on June 3rd, 2012, 8:06 am
^I went this past Wednesday and Thursday and all of Magnum's crew did seem testy. They might not have been the same crew as you had but the guy on the PA kept telling everyone to move quickly. Nothing quick about a 6'2 guy trying to get into Magnum's cramped cars :lol:

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