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Need something fun to do before opening day?

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Postby MForce4ever on May 4th, 2012, 11:08 am
So I know that this last day before opening day is the longest one of the off season, but fortunately I have something fun and free for all to do to kill some time tonight. Come to Oakton Community College (1600 E. Golf Road, Des Plaines, IL) tonight at 7:30 pm because I'm performing in a free improv comedy show. Now I know what you're probably thinking; I hate you...well that is valid, but I can tell you this if you come to the show you will have all the riches, power and women you could ever hope to get, because that's just how awesome this show will be. If you come to the show and tell me you're from SFGAmworld I'll make sure I work in amusement parks into the show somehow. Still not convinced? ok consider the following; the show is at a community college, so there will be hot girls there. I go to school there so I can tell you it's true. So let's review: Free improv comedy show, support a fellow coaster nerd and hot girls. You can't beat that. I know at least a few members here have come out to my shows (JonRev, TP41190, DejaVu2001) and they'll be happy to tell you not only am I ugly I'm also very offensive...
I'm irreverent and stuff...

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