I like to think of myself as somewhat of an expert on the different restraints of roller coasters, and It almost is a requirement for me whose been battling being a bigger guy and the hobby which I really do enjoy.
I probably should preface this posting, by saying I was out of the roller coaster hobby for nearly 3 years due to well, I couldn't enjoy it due to my weight issues. I basically avoided the park like the plague during that time mainly due to not fully being able to enjoy it as much as someone who didn't have the problems I had/have.
But this isn't about me, this is about giving some of the bigger coaster fans out there some info and advice on how to try and have a good time at the parks. And hopefully you'll be able to make some of your favorite rides.
Lets start with the manufacturers.
Since most parks have one or two coasters from each manufacture. I have found some of the following for me at least when it comes to them. I'm going to mention the top manufacturers and then go into specific types of coasters as well.
Arrow: Probably the easiest of the manufactures out there. OTSRs are huge and Hyper trains Magnum (CP) are big as well, watch out for some of the parks (CP for one) that has seat belts and OTSRs on sit down loopers.
Vekoma: These also on the lower end of difficulty for larger guests, A ride like Deja Vu (SFMM) or Face-Off (KI) for example should fit about 95% of the riders comfortably, just be aware of the seat belts: lap belts and on the OTSRs.
Schwarzkoph: Probably the easiest steel coaster manufacturer in terms of bigger riders. Individual lap bars on most sit down coasters: Shockwave (SFOT) and extra long seat belts: Whizzer (SFGAM) One notable exception for a sit down coaster from Schwarzkoph is however Revolution(SFMM), who has an OTSR and a lap bar. Keep in mind that for some of these rides its probably best to have the bigger person have his or her own row as some trains feature bench seating and could make for an uncomfortable ride for two people.
Premier: The lap bars on these coasters are extremely difficult for larger guests. Rides like Mr. Freeze (SFSTL, SFOT) Flight of Fear (KI, KD) have seat belts which attach directly to the lapbar, this makes for a very cramped and difficult seating space for a larger guest. Mr. Freeze also has a restraint that goes across your feet which makes it extremely difficult to apply force down on the lapbar. Also if your more then 6"5' Id say skip this ride all together given the difficult time with the lap bar. (I will go into specific detail about Mr. Freeze later) One Premier ride that larger guests "should" be okay with actually is Poltergeist (SFFT) this ride has some of the longest lap bar belts on any sit down Premier ride i've seen making it ALOT easier for larger people to ride.
B&M: These coasters are hit or miss. Inverted coasters (BTR, Raptor) are by nature difficult to ride because of OTSRs. Floorless coasters are also the same way basically because it has an invert OTSR on a sitdown train. Hyper coasters offer deeper seats and the clam shell restraint design make it easier for some larger guests to ride. (I will go into specifics later) One thing to remember though, some B&M Inverts, Floorless and Dive coasters have "big boy seats" for larger guests, this rows feature two seat belts and are accommodating for larger people. (I will go into detail on these later as well)
Intamin: These are the most difficult rides for larger guests to get on. Whether it be a drop tower, Impulse or Giga. Recently some of the newer launched coasters have had new OTSRs that are alot more accommodating for larger guests. One thing to remember especially at Cedar Point, you are required to have 1 inch of slack on TTD and MF seat belts. (I will discuss Intamin in detail later)
I realize there are other manufacturers out there, but this is a list of the more popular ride designers. Wooden coasters from CCI and GCI generally have limited issues with larger people, same with Gurstluer and Mack coasters, as these rides do not usually have seat belts.
Okay now that we are familiar with coaster designers, I am going to go into detail about some of the specific types of coaster restraints and how to position yourself on the ride to see if you can make it.
B&M OTSRs: Featured on Floorless, Invert, Sit-down and Dive Machines: Many of these coasters have "big boy rows" typically these rows are in middle of the train usually rows 3-5 and are almost always on a middle row. Inverts for me are difficult and require the most help.
If you have someone to help you (typically ride ops will try and help but its hit or miss, CF parks for example will not usually help you, SF parks will try and buckle seat belts but again its hit or miss)
The key for this is the amount of clicks you can get before you attempt to buckle the seat belt. I have found that anyone helping you needs to apply force on one or both of the silver handles on each side of the OTSR, the best way however, is to apply that force at the very bottom of the OTSR, To get an idea of what I mean, picture the OTSR as a giant letter "V" the OTSR will move the most when force is applied to the pointed part of the "V". If you are riding alone, try this technique, this has also worked for me, Take both hands and position them on the very top of the OTSR generally in the area of your shoulders, now apply force down on this section and if possible try and sit straight up while doing this. This motion should bring the OTSR down lower, and works ever better when your friend is applying his pressure on the "V" point as mentioned before.
B&M coasters featuring "Big Boy Seats" (listing is based on my coaster count 158 as of 5/10) Talon,Raptor,Silver Bullet, Bizzaro(SFGadv), Great Bear(HP) Superman Krypton Coaster, Scream(SFMM) Dominator, Hydra: The Revenge(DP), All B&M Coasters at Busch Gardens Tampa.
Big Boy seats as mentioned before feature two seat belts, as well as two buckles, it is the same OTSRs as all the other rows, with the notable exception that unlike other rows, the seat belts are a lot longer and therefore more accommodating for larger riders. (More on seat belt lengths later)
B&M Hyper coasters:The clam shell design is probably the easiest and best restraint for larger guests. With that said though, you need to know that SF ride ops typically will NOT help you on these rides. Also you need to know that every B&M hyper coaster features a "go/no-go line" This is a red line (yellow on Nitro) at the very base of the clam shell, and needs to be completely visible for you to ride. You'd also want to make sure that there is some space past the red line to insure the computer will register its secured for you to ride. The technique for the clam shell is pretty simple. If you have a friend with you, have them apply pressure at the very nose of the clam shell, doing this while pulling the restraint towards you holding on both handles will give you the best results.
Intamin Coasters: The most frustrating and irritating coaster restraints out there in my opinion, especially for OTSRs, the reason? Unlike a B&M OTSR, intamin OTSRs do not audibly "click" and as they lower they lock in that position which makes applying force down on the OTSR to get it a few inches lower exceptionally difficult. One bright side about Intamin OTSRs is, if you can get on one of them chances are you can get on all others of the same type.
Take Vertical Velocity for example, if you can fit on that ride with little or no help, pretty good chance you'll make other impluse coasters. EXCEPT for the infamous "seat belt' issue.
New Intamin Rocket coasters feature an OTSR of there own. But they are much much more accommodating for larger people, (people do complain about headbanging on these however) and the best thing is. If you made it onto Storm Runner(HP) for example, you SHOULD able to ride Kingda Ka and Maverick. All Intamin coasters have an "inch of slack" line sewn into the seat belt, keep that in mind when you sit down on these rides, and also remember that even if you do make the "inch of slack" on the seat belt you still have to contend with the lap bar as well. This is especially true on El Toro where I was not able to ride the ride even after buckling the seat belt and getting an inch of slack.
The Seat belt "issue": Okay so you've tried my advice, and your an inch or two away from success... Problem is you've probably sat on a coaster that has varying lengths of the seat belts required for you to ride.
All coasters that have seat belts have this issue. And it is very very annoying. The biggest offenders for these issues are Batman the Ride (SFSTL especially) Vertical Velocity, Mr. Freeze (SFSTL) Mantis and Millennium Force.
Ride Surprises/Tips and Tricks
The following highlights rides that bigger guests might be surprised about
Mr. Freeze: Six Flags St. Louis Not only does this ride have the seat belt issue, but has some of the worst safety restraints for larger riders. Advice: Try the very last row the furthest from the air gates. For whatever reason, this seat belt on this seat is longer then pretty much any other on the train, (BTW this is for the right side when the ride is operating two trains.) Also try to sit in an even numbered row as far from the air gates as possible. If your taller the 6'5 forget this ride.
Mr. Freeze: Six Flags over Texas Unlike its counterpart in St. Louis, Mr. Freeze at Over Texas has the seat belt position and buckle on the lapbar reversed. Instead of the seat belt coming from your back and clicking near your knee/ upper thigh, it comes from the front facing you, and buckles at your knee, while this might sound like no big deal, it really is as there is a less of a risk of the seat belt getting tangled or catching your clothing.
Vertical Velocity: Six Flags Great America Seat belt issues abound on this ride, Try row 14 furthest seat from the air gates.
Millennium Force: Cedar Point Red train row 7 side closest to the air gates. Longest Seat belt on any of the rides. (MF Ride op told me about it)
Iron Wolf: Six Flags Great America The back row on either train seem to have longer belts then any other row on the ride.
Raging Bull: Six Flags Great America Avoid row 8 on the Yellow train. Go/no go lines do not match other rows.
Superman: The Escape Six Flags Magic Mountain No seat bets on this ride, just a t-bar lap bar
Superman: Ultimate Flight Six Flags Parks The best way to get on this ride, and the way that I use, and that involves slamming the OTSR down as fast and as hard as possible when you take your seat. This insures your in the ride and almost always results in you riding. Keep in mind you need 3 clicks to ride on SUF. This way sounds impractical but it works.
Deja Vu: Six Flags Magic Mountain This ride should accommodate most people and the lap bars are extremely long.
Titan/Goliath: SFOT/SFMM These trains are very comfortable and do not require a seat belt as well.
Xcellerator: Knotts Berry Farm For an Intamin launched coaster, it has the longest lap seat belts of all.
Final Thoughts:
The tips and advice I give are based on what I have seen working for me, It is highly advised to follow all on ride safety steps and never attempt to manipulate or apply force on any restraint that will cause you to hurt yourself, these tips are for people who are very close to securing themselves on the rides by themselves or with minimal help from others.
I created this section based on my own personal observations and experiences and MAY NOT work for you.
B&M coasters featuring "Big Boy Seats" (listing is based on my coaster count 158 as of 5/10) Talon,Raptor,Silver Bullet, Bizzaro(SFGadv), Great Bear(HP) Superman Krypton Coaster, Scream(SFMM) Dominator, Hydra: The Revenge(DP), All B&M Coasters at Busch Gardens Tampa.
Really? Since when have you been to Busch Gardens?
I finally retired the Sarah Palin signature because she is now 100% irrelevant.
I was pretty big and almost got denied a few times but mainly because I was 6'6". I found the easiest thing to do was to work out and diet. I cut out 4-5 junk food meals a week and worked out for 20 mins 3-4 times a week. It was easy and I lost 75 pounds in about a year and a half. Once I lost weight I was able to fit on the HUSS rides, V2, dejavu, and most wooden coasters without any discomfort despite my height.
Now I left a very nice post on here congratulating the previous poster on his accomplishment. I see no reason why that had to be deleted.
MOD Edit: SFGamWorld.com forums are highly moderated and any posts that are against the Terms of Service will either be closed or deleted by the moderators or Admin's. If a post gets closed or deleted and you are unsure why it got deleted, do not make another post asking why. Instead you should Private Message a Moderator or Admin and ask why.
Anyway, the whole point of this thread is for people not to have to feel the embarrassment and shame that I have felt. It really hurts a person to know that they cannot do something they like and enjoy. And If it was as easy as"just hop on a treadmill" then dont you think people would have done it already?
I made this thread as a guide or tips sheet for other members and NOT something to ridicule others about.
Galvan, I face nearly the same problem as you, it's not easy for someone to just hop onto a treadmill and run a few miles, it takes dedication, and for myself, I've gotten to a point where I can't be bothered to exercise. The last resort for myself is cutting out lunch.
I'll just say this. I was in the same boat as you guys. I had no ambition at all to loose weight and work out. I tried running, extreme dieting, ect and I always failed. I did swimming in middle and high school and went to state. When I stopped I got huge and ate like crap and started smoking. All it took was for me to swim once and a while and I was hooked. Once you start to see results you don't want to stop. The first time you notice the lap bar go down that extra click you will want to keep going.
I would start slow. Just go for a walk after school or work for 10-15 mins a few times a week. But I highly suggest swimming if you can. It is easy and it's the best way to loose weight. And if you have a goal you can make it happen. You all love riding coasters, and you all want to fit comfortably, that is a great goal to set.
On Mr. Freeze at SF STL, even each train is different. I remember last fall riding it twice in the front row and one train fit perfectly and the other was a struggle. No change in clothes, didn't eat anything, just each side was different within 10 minutes.
According to so Trip Reports that I have read, Millennium Force's seat belts have been shortened an additional 2 inches which is causing some serious issues for some guests. Even those guests that are not "overweight" have been turned away due to the new restrictions.
Galvan316 wrote:According to so Trip Reports that I have read, Millennium Force's seat belts have been shortened an additional 2 inches which is causing some serious issues for some guests. Even those guests that are not "overweight" have been turned away due to the new restrictions.
No shock at all. The test seat was around the length were I had zero shot of making it last year, but fit perfectly in the last row. It's getting to the point where you need a 36 inch waists or smaller to ride Intamin rides.
I just wanted to pop in and say thanks for this guide. I've been contemplating a blog for bigger riders to chronicle their experiences with different rides. I'm a girl, so don't have the excuse of being "bigger boned", I'm just big. My home park is Kings Island, and I've had lots of experience with their restraints. I would love to help other riders avoid the walk of shame.
A note on the Premier rides: Backlot Stunt Coaster at KI used to be an easy fit for me. Just had to get the bar down past the yellow line. No problems in the past. When they modified the outside of the car, they took the doors off and added a belt connector. It connects the back of the seat to the lap bar. Even if you get the required clicks, the belt adds another degree of difficulty. Kept me from riding it this year.
As for Vekoma, Invertigo at KI is SUPER big people friendly.
I will be doing an update to this very soon, as I am going to Cedar Point this weekend.
As for Kings Island.
One thing to note is that there is no go/no go line on Diamondback, What I have seen and I guess this will work in this case with DB, is that If you just barely make the go/no go line on Raging Bull, you will not be able to ride Diamond Back as you will need at least another click down to ride.
Also as someone posted above about Backlot Stunt Coaster, they have essentially the same set up as Flight of Fear and Mr. Freeze so keep that in mind when going to the park.
I'm a larger guy. I'm 6 foot 2 and heavier than I should be (working on that lol) but for me the bigger factor in not fitting on a ride is my tallness. Premier is AWFUL for me, Full Throttle and Flight of Fear are EXTREAMLY tight. I feel I barely fit. The calf restraint is the ultimate killer because my legs are long. The only other coasters I have a harder time with are kiddie coasters, Intamin lap bars (MF, Superman SFA) and B&M wing coasters. I barely fit on X-Flight last year. I havnt ridden it this year but I'm hesitant, I have a feeling I'm too big now. I've never had the walk of shame excluding kiddie coasters so far (and hopefully ever). Just some really tight coasters out there for me.
Just wanted to reiterate that this is a great thread!
For me personally I have hovered around 280 at about 6'2". I personally struggle with B&M Shoulder restraints, often with Premier (although that's also because of height; I'm convinced that I could be a stick and still struggle to fit into Mr. Freeze in St. Louis), Goliath sometimes, most Intamin rides, and the Eurofighters that I've tried.
Is it just me, or do B&M's earliest rides have much smaller seats (everything before, say, 1997 or so)? I'm not even talking the lack of Big boy seats, I mean just flat-out smaller seats. That's what it seems like to me anyway, YMMV.
RE Seatbelts: Amen! There is no consistency between seats/trains/parks. Earlier this summer I rode Millennium Force, went immediately to ride again, and got walk of shamed because of the seatbelt. I don't mind it so much when I expect it, but it is definitely frustrating and embarrassing if you were able to ride earlier but come back and can't.
It has definitely affected how I travel and I will avoid parks that have a lot of rides that I don't think I will fit on. I am slowly working on it but easier said than done, and I feel like in the past year it has become much harder to lose weight than it has been in the past. Still working on it and hoping that over time I will be able to get myself down to a lower weight.
ThemeParkFan07 wrote: For me personally I have hovered around 280 at about 6'2". I personally struggle with B&M Shoulder restraints, often with Premier (although that's also because of height; I'm convinced that I could be a stick and still struggle to fit into Mr. Freeze in St. Louis)
I'm 6'2" and about 239 (been dropping though!) and I feel the same way. Premier is pretty bad for people our height, the calf restraints are the real killer they feel like they are penetrating your legs. At least the RMC ones are comfortable. For me, I don't have a problem fitting into B&M OTSR's, but they are often irritating because they stop at my clavicles rather than my gut. Same thing with Demon and basically all other OTSR's. My height eliminates head banging from the restraint, but puts a lot of stress and discomfort to my shoulders.
Firstly, thanks for the great guide. I am 'thickest' in the chest and have needed help locking the seatbelt on Vertical Velocity before, glad to see it in your guide! Also, when we went to Cedar Point earlier in the summer, one of our group was worried that she wouldn't fit on Millenium Force, as she failed the tester seat out front. That said, once we were on the actual ride, the ride attendant helped her lock the belt, and we were all able to ride! Cedar Fair is pretty upfront about which rides have height or size restrictions, and I think it would be nice for Six Flags to try and do the same, without being discouraging.
Sorry to bump this after a while! I was hoping I could get some info regarding how hard certain rides are to fit on. I haven't been to the park in four years. I was big to begin with, and I had to bulk up for football, so I wasn't going to try lol! I'm currently 6'4 and about 280, waistline of 42. (I've lost 40 pounds of my "Football Weight" since November, so I want to give it another go!) Since I last went to the park, they added Goliath. Does anyone know how hard this one would be to fit in? It's one that I'm most looking forward to riding, and I've heard mixed stories on the ease (some say its big boy friendly, and others say it might be a little bit tighter). Also, I know B&Ms at other parks come with a row of larger seats. Do any at GAm have those? Any advice is appreciated!!
Goliath is gonna be close for you. I suggest trying out the test seat outside the entrance. Also, X-Flight has "Big Boy" seats in the 4th Row. - Whiz
Favorite @ SFGAm - Eagle ~ Favorite Steel - Skyrush ~ Favorite Wood - El Toro 35 Rides on Eagle in 2015 68 Rides on Eagle in 2016 102 Rides on Eagle in 2017 9 Rides on Eagle in 2018