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New CEO Big MOve - Pass & Membership Restructuring

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Postby CoasterGhoster on August 6th, 2022, 9:48 pm
CEO Sven18 - What are you first 5 big moves to turn around the Six Flags company and what's the timeline for these moves?? What are the metrics that will be used to measure progress??

I know this wasn't directed at me, but here is my serious reply:

1. Fix the staffing issues. I went to the park today for the first time in over a year and was shocked to see how much was just closed, presumably because of lack of staffing. All the picture stands? Closed. The majority of the carnival games? Closed. Does this mean paying staff a higher hourly wage ? Yes, of course, but those picture stands and games are money printing stations that are going completely unused because no one is manning them! I can't imagine that getting those stations manned wouldn't pay for itself in under an hour. The pictures are pure prophet. Most of the carnival games you are paying $5 or $10 to compete for a prize which cost about 10 cents to make at some Chinese sweat shop. Plus, all the closures/unused space makes the park look decrepit.

2. Cater to the higher end Season Pass users/Platinum Flash Passers: This is an oft stated goal, but never seems to go anywhere. Please see my post about the less-than-optimal experience for Platinum flash pass users from today.

Look, Six Flags Great America is never going have something equivalent to Disney's Club 33. It's not going to happen. But if you have people/families who are willing to spend a good amount of money, make it attractive as possible to them! Why not convert some of the ample unused space into an air-conditioned lounge for the high rollers? Give the kids in the lounge some free cookies. Offer some rotating cheap "free" merch to remember their stay. Put an employee in the lounge as a concierge. Something! Make it so people who are spending money want to come back year after year. DON'T charge $180 for a Platinum Flash Pass and have half the rides unavailable for reservation either because they are closed or because the Flash Pass queue is "full." (as happened to me at various points today). That's the recipe for having those people never come back.

3. Safety, safety, safety: Nothing is worse for the park, in my opinion, than news stories of fights, or guns, or gang members in the park. If you want respectable people to return with their families and spend money, the park absolutely needs to be safe. There's no easy solution to this. I think raising prices and stopping some of the give aways will definitely help. Beef up security with a visible presence at the gate. If you see someone who looks like a gang member, watch them, and if they get out of line at all, throw them out of the park. Put big, visible signs up that guest safety is the park's number one priority. Allow for easy reporting on the app of unruly behavior; follow up on it.

4. Beautify the park: This is probably a pipe dream as it would cost money, but I think it connects to #2 and #3. If the park looks vibrant and appealing, families and people who spend will be more likely to come back. If the park looks like its falling apart, that's going to be attract a different crowd. I like the idea above of replacing the black top. Greenery and flowers.

5. FIX YOUR WATER THEMED RIDES! Families LOVE the water-themed rides. There's a reason these rides have such long wait times, particularly on hot summer days. They're fun and create memories for families.

How is it possible that the Roaring Rapids ride has been closed all summer? How is it possible that of the four available water-themed rides in the park, only ONE of them was open today (a hot, muggy day in the 90s), and even then on a reduced hour schedule? Would it kill you to give Logger's Run a new paint job? It looks like garbage!

Those are my thoughts.
Last edited by CoasterGhoster on August 7th, 2022, 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Sven18 on August 7th, 2022, 10:08 am
SFGAM__man wrote:I just want to point out that in the past few months Sven18 has done at total 180 on his opinion of the new CEO. He had no problem giving me a hard time about my viewpoint at the beginning of the season when I said I was skeptical that this guy was going to actually follow through with what he was saying he was going to do :roll:.. Like I said at the start of the season, it was the same exact thing that hapenned numerous times with management changes in the past: "we need to fix the park experience and stop discounting so much." And every single time they make it like half a season and then make massive budget cuts and start discounting.

Like I said before, it's easy to say a bunch of common sense, it's hard to have the experience and knowledge to be able to successfully implement your vision over a long period of time.

Wrong, I just gave him a chance to fail. I was critical of the pass/membership offering changing monthly all the time. Will day it again, he went too much & too fast on pricing that eviscerated the pass base. The parks are at low attendance, more than other chains, & SF isn't getting $80 per caps like SEAS to offset low attendance. SF as I stated the last month is in cost cutting mode, hours st parks, cutting maintenance(half done projects at many parks). They are now laying off corporate/admin staff while simultaneously are unable to properly staff parks. The Q2 call this thursday is going to be interesting. Expect them to miss revenue, EPS, etc...& the results will look very poor compared to CF & SEAS that are putting together multiple record Quarters in a row, have Capex at or higher than pre Covid(CF & SEAS), have massive stock repurchase programs(CF & SEAS), reinstating dividend(CF), lowering debt(CF has paid back 75% of their Covid debt, that's without the 310M CGA land sale & SEAS is at 2.7x leverage )

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Postby Sven18 on August 7th, 2022, 10:12 am
https://www.reddit.com/r/sixflags/comme ... own_selim/
Step Down Selim

An Open Letter to the Six Flags Board of Directors and Investors

The sentiments shared in this letter are shared by most if not all of the Six Flags Team Members and many of our guests.

You ousted Mike Spanos and named Selim Bassoul CEO of our company in November 2021 after we had a great year. Selim addressed all of us in a virtual Town Hall shortly after and told us why he felt the change was necessary. He stated that spending was out of control. We know he didn't take the time to learn why and where the money was being spent. He complained about a 300+ page report that was submitted to the board and told us he doesn't read reports. Did any of you read the report? While we don't know, specifically, what was in the report, we can tell you where the money was being spent. It was being spent on rehab and repair of our infrastructure that has been neglected for many, MANY years! Would any of you allow your homes to fall into such disrepair? I doubt it.

Selim had a lot to say in a later virtual town hall with all the parks. He made some good points which all of us agreed with, but much of what he went on about was absolutely ridiculous and laughable. He would have heard everyone at every park laughing AT him had the parks not been muted. He went on at length about guests wanting 2-ply toilet paper. He spent a great deal of time complaining about guests dumping ice from their cups in the bushes. He rambled a lot about wanting various things that aren't going to generate revenue, only decrease it.

There was plenty to like about the ideas and thoughts Selim shared with us, including his past successes as a business person. Who wouldn't like the bonus program he implemented at a previous company that increased the bonus potential for every employee every year until the bonus reached $10,000? All of us could certainly get on board with that. There's only one problem. We’ll never achieve the goals necessary to qualify for the bonus due to Selim’s leadership or lack thereof.

Selim made it clear that he realizes he has a lot to learn and would rely on those of us who have lots of experience in the business to teach him, but he's only done the opposite. He eliminated layers of team members, including Bonnie Weber who is one of the best in the business, and now has all the Park Presidents reporting directly to him. It didn't take long for the Park Presidents to realize they're better off not offering ideas or thoughts to him. Why? He fires them, yet he can't seem to understand why nobody offers suggestions anymore.

We had a great 2021 season yet Selim felt it was necessary to freeze wages in 2022 after we went for 2 years without wage increases due to COVID. Nobody complained about the 2-year freeze because it was understandable. It's not acceptable, however, to freeze wages after we had a great return and then expect everyone to rely on a generous bonus every year. While a large bonus every year would be great, our next CEO might not like that method of compensation and eliminate it. Will our salaries be adjusted at that point or will our compensation remain several years behind? We all know the answer to that. Thankfully, he backed down and gave most hourly employees a 75 cent/hour increase after quite a bit of pushback. He still left salaried employees without.

Morale is at an all-time low at Six Flags. We've lost a lot of great people to reductions in workforce and other great, skilled team members are preparing to leave because they aren't happy working for Six Flags anymore and they can't afford to continue working for Six Flags. They have families to support, but it's become increasingly difficult to do so given the current state of the economy.

The performance of Six Flags will continue to plummet, as will the stock price, as we continue to lose such skilled, experienced labor. We can't hire enough people to run all of our attractions and retail locations. It's become increasingly difficult to hire skilled labor to maintain our infrastructure and rides. We're just hiring bodies at this point to fill the positions, and that's not good. A high percentage of the people we're hiring aren't able to perform well, but we don't have a choice. It's severely impacting the service we offer our guests.

What is the #1 thing people come to Six Flags for? They come for our rides in case you didn't know. We can't hire enough people to run all our rides, let alone maintain and inspect them. We're losing valuable labor there, too. More are preparing to leave. Some of the people inspecting the rides are certainly trained and qualified, but don't necessarily have enough experience to adequately perform a thorough inspection. That’s scary. Safety is going to suffer and there’s nothing worse for an amusement park than an accident. We hope it doesn’t happen, but it probably will.

Selim expressed that he wants Six Flags to be considered a premium product like Disney and Universal. That simply isn’t going to happen under Selim’s leadership. We’re charging our guests more and offering far less. Our attendance has been abysmal and many of our guests won’t be returning. The proof is on social media. People aren’t happy with the product and service we’re offering and our attendance proves it. Cedar Fair is doing quite well this year, so you can’t blame the economy.

Selim released a rather dumb video to us with him saying, “Have no fear!” numerous times throughout. Unfortunately, we have plenty to fear as long as he remains in charge. He wants us to do more with less as he said in the virtual town hall. He also expects guests to pay more and get less. We all want Six Flags to succeed, but it won’t while Selim is CEO unless he changes his ways.

Selim is the laughing stock of the entire company. None of us have an ounce of respect for him, but we certainly fear him. He reminds us a lot of Mark Shapiro in both his energetic style of speaking and his leadership style. It makes us wonder if we’re heading down the same road.

It is up to you, the board, to fix this. There will be consequences if you fail to do so. Our stock price is already 40% lower than it was a year ago. Stay on course if the goal is to drive us into the ground.

Investors, we ask you to hold the board accountable and demand a change in leadership. Cut your losses and sell every share in Six Flags if they fail to do so. We are capable of providing you with an excellent ROI, but not while Selim is in charge.


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Postby CoasterRiderSC on August 7th, 2022, 1:00 pm
CoasterGhoster - I love all your ideas!! Those all would be a great start to Make Great America Great Again!!

The ride closures ARE due to staffing issues. Giant Drop for example was closed in afternoon on Friday to "LOP" (lack of personnel) the person that was in control panel told me when I asked her. I'm all for making the park more beautiful and more safe.

I'd like to add they need to need to post and actually enforce a dress code!!
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Postby CoasterGhoster on August 7th, 2022, 2:37 pm
Sorry, one last thing I wanted to add.

6. If Six Flags chooses to invest in meaningful improvements in the Great America experience, there needs to be some patience to see a return on this investment.

Even if you snapped your fingers and immediately beautified the park, added new paint jobs, enforced a dress code, and got rid of the bad crowd, you won't see significant changes in park demographics and spending after one quarter. People from Highland Park, Hinsdale, Oak Brook, Lake Forest, etc. aren't going to instantaneously show up at the gates and start spending gobs of money. The park has spent nearly two decades transforming itself into a budget operation catering to the lowest common denominator. The reputation it has in the community won't change overnight.

If I ran Great America, I would invest in these changes with an eye on the long game. I would further invest in a rebranding advertising campaign acknowledging prior failures and committing to a "New Six Flags Great America" experience. This would be analogous to Domino's Pizza's campaign acknowledging that there pizza has been bad for over 20 years and they are committed to making a change. Over time, I think this strategy would result in maximizing profits for the park.

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Postby coasterfanatic on August 8th, 2022, 12:22 am
Roaring Rapids and Aquaman are both broken, hence why they are closed.

BB is SBNO and likely closed for good as the boats are lost at sea.

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Postby CoasterRiderSC on August 8th, 2022, 11:32 am
coasterfanatic wrote:Roaring Rapids and Aquaman are both broken, hence why they are closed.

BB is SBNO and likely closed for good as the boats are lost at sea.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Rapids has run a couple of times this year already.

As for examples: Giant Drop, the Super Loop and Condor have all been down due to staffing this year.
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Postby JT2002 on August 8th, 2022, 5:52 pm
CoasterRiderSC wrote:
coasterfanatic wrote:Roaring Rapids and Aquaman are both broken, hence why they are closed.

BB is SBNO and likely closed for good as the boats are lost at sea.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Rapids has run a couple of times this year already.

As for examples: Giant Drop, the Super Loop and Condor have all been down due to staffing this year.

Rapids was up for a day but then down bc some pieces were not reinstalled correctly and raft issues. Hope it reopens soon for like a week before it gets too cold or staffing becomes even more limited. Sky Trek also still broken, along with Sky coaster and Revolution. Loggers was initially down for cosmetic work but it never happened bc they had to switch over from Clipper which had a broken lift motor. Supply Chain issues + corporate ruining relationships with suppliers.
They say there isn't a spot in the park where rusting metal or peeling paint is at least 15 feet away from you.

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Postby SFGAM__man on August 9th, 2022, 6:56 am
CoasterGhoster wrote:I would further invest in a rebranding advertising campaign acknowledging prior failures and committing to a "New Six Flags Great America" experience. This would be analogous to Domino's Pizza's campaign acknowledging that there pizza has been bad for over 20 years and they are committed to making a change.

So believe it or not SF actually did this, in 2005 the Six Flags commercials featured Mr. Six fixing up the park and the commercial basically said we are committed to keeping things clean, well maintained, and having all of our rides open. Sadly for Kieran Burke that was too little too late after he ran the company like ass for the previous decade and he was fired anyway as the company still had billions of bad debt on the books.... and then the new CEO came in with the agenda of cleaning up the parks and making them more friendly, and in 2006 the commercials actually said "come visit the NEW Six Flags Great America!"

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Postby HCF on August 11th, 2022, 11:56 am
CoasterGhoster wrote:
CEO Sven18 - What are you first 5 big moves to turn around the Six Flags company and what's the timeline for these moves?? What are the metrics that will be used to measure progress??

I know this wasn't directed at me, but here is my serious reply:

1. Fix the staffing issues. I went to the park today for the first time in over a year and was shocked to see how much was just closed, presumably because of lack of staffing. All the picture stands? Closed. The majority of the carnival games? Closed. Does this mean paying staff a higher hourly wage ? Yes, of course, but those picture stands and games are money printing stations that are going completely unused because no one is manning them! I can't imagine that getting those stations manned wouldn't pay for itself in under an hour. The pictures are pure prophet. Most of the carnival games you are paying $5 or $10 to compete for a prize which cost about 10 cents to make at some Chinese sweat shop. Plus, all the closures/unused space makes the park look decrepit.

2. Cater to the higher end Season Pass users/Platinum Flash Passers: This is an oft stated goal, but never seems to go anywhere. Please see my post about the less-than-optimal experience for Platinum flash pass users from today.

Look, Six Flags Great America is never going have something equivalent to Disney's Club 33. It's not going to happen. But if you have people/families who are willing to spend a good amount of money, make it attractive as possible to them! Why not convert some of the ample unused space into an air-conditioned lounge for the high rollers? Give the kids in the lounge some free cookies. Offer some rotating cheap "free" merch to remember their stay. Put an employee in the lounge as a concierge. Something! Make it so people who are spending money want to come back year after year. DON'T charge $180 for a Platinum Flash Pass and have half the rides unavailable for reservation either because they are closed or because the Flash Pass queue is "full." (as happened to me at various points today). That's the recipe for having those people never come back.

3. Safety, safety, safety: Nothing is worse for the park, in my opinion, than news stories of fights, or guns, or gang members in the park. If you want respectable people to return with their families and spend money, the park absolutely needs to be safe. There's no easy solution to this. I think raising prices and stopping some of the give aways will definitely help. Beef up security with a visible presence at the gate. If you see someone who looks like a gang member, watch them, and if they get out of line at all, throw them out of the park. Put big, visible signs up that guest safety is the park's number one priority. Allow for easy reporting on the app of unruly behavior; follow up on it.

4. Beautify the park: This is probably a pipe dream as it would cost money, but I think it connects to #2 and #3. If the park looks vibrant and appealing, families and people who spend will be more likely to come back. If the park looks like its falling apart, that's going to be attract a different crowd. I like the idea above of replacing the black top. Greenery and flowers.

5. FIX YOUR WATER THEMED RIDES! Families LOVE the water-themed rides. There's a reason these rides have such long wait times, particularly on hot summer days. They're fun and create memories for families.

How is it possible that the Roaring Rapids ride has been closed all summer? How is it possible that of the four available water-themed rides in the park, only ONE of them was open today (a hot, muggy day in the 90s), and even then on a reduced hour schedule? Would it kill you to give Logger's Run a new paint job? It looks like garbage!

Those are my thoughts.

(1) Asking to fix the staffing problem is easier said than done, I think they would fix it if they actually had the ability to do something. Most people don't see working at an amusement park as a stable income I guess, or they just don't want to deal with the SFGAm crowds, or maybe they are just lazy. Who knows, I would say its a mix of all 3
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Postby Sven18 on August 11th, 2022, 12:42 pm
SF Q2 report:

As predicted, it was not good. Missed revenue by 84M(19%) & EPS 48 cents(almost 50%)
Stock down over 20%

https://investors.sixflags.com/news-and ... -110033684

Selim on the conf call was a com bi nation of delusional, naive & outright clueless.
https://seekingalpha.com/article/453302 ... 695312.996

Total per caps 63.97....up 11.93 to 2021 up 21.65 to 2019
Adm per cap 36.35......up 7.67 to 2021 up 12.32 to 2019
In park spend............ up 4.26 to 2019 up 9.28 to 2019
Record per caps is what he is touting. The thesis is SF can get over time to 25 to 27M attendance at these per caps & higher.

Attendance: down 1.9M to 2021 & 4.3M to 2019. This is their goal, annual total of 25 to 275M

Capex: 55M thus far projected slightly above 2021 level of 122M

Patron base : 4.5M decrease of 1.8M to Q2 2021--- base end of Q4 2021 was 8.3M

Major cost cutting: Full time employees admin/corporate,etc.. cut 25%, reduced hours for seasonal workers, "substantial" reduction in advertising cots

Dining plan will come back in some form at a higher price point
Last edited by Sven18 on August 11th, 2022, 1:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby Jodon on August 11th, 2022, 12:58 pm
Wow...that's awful. You could tell that Selim was "delusional, naive, and outright clueless" when he said that Six Flags could rival the Universals and Disneys.

To miss revenue by almost 20% seems very, very bad.

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Postby Coaster Justin on August 11th, 2022, 10:44 pm
CoasterRiderSC wrote:CoasterGhoster - I love all your ideas!! Those all would be a great start to Make Great America Great Again!! ...

What about my ideas?
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Postby CoasterRiderSC on August 12th, 2022, 10:05 am
Coaster Justin wrote:
CoasterRiderSC wrote:CoasterGhoster - I love all your ideas!! Those all would be a great start to Make Great America Great Again!! ...

What about my ideas?

Justin - your ideas were good too! Especially the replacing the blacktop and adding more shade!
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Postby Porkchop23 on August 14th, 2022, 2:36 pm
The one thing that Six Flags (especially Great America) has over Disney World is its thrill rides. That’s it. But one reason why Disney World is running at capacity despite charging 3x more for a daily ticket, is because the parks are clean, safe, maintained and staffed by people that act like they actually care about their jobs and how they perform them. Even though I have to fly or drive, get a hotel, and pay much more for multiple days, even though their rides are “meh” at best, I don’t have to worry about hordes of ghetto rats putting me or my family in danger. Even if a pack of them do manage to afford to get into the parks, if they act up, the Disney security staff shows them the exit.

Six Flags has lost the trust of the average family visitors when they decided to become the summer daycare center for unsupervised teenagers and miscreants. I’m not going to pay a park so I can check my temper all day while I stand in line for over an hour to get on a ride and a pack of ghetto rats cuts ahead of me. I’m not going to put myself or my family in danger by confronting them and Six Flags personnel does absolutely nothing about it, even if they witness it. F**k that. I’ll pay Disney more.

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Postby Jodon on August 14th, 2022, 2:48 pm
Porkchop, so much of your comment was unnecessary. You should have stopped after your first sentence and avoided the racially charged verbiage. Fwiw, I have been to SFGAm a lot, and bring my 2.5 year old daughter to the park frequently and have never felt unsafe.

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Postby Porkchop23 on August 14th, 2022, 2:55 pm
Bruh, if you think of anything I said as “racially charged”, you might want to check your own racism regarding what you think of when you read words. I never mentioned race once in anything I said.

Don’t try to derail this thread discussion with your own bigotry and hang ups.

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Postby Jodon on August 14th, 2022, 4:08 pm
A few key points and then I'm done with this conversation as I really do not want to derail the thread, but felt that certain things need to be called out.
1. The term "ghetto trash" is racially charged. Your use of that phrase was unnecessary in your post, but you used it twice.
2. You don't have to mention race for something to be racist or racially charged.
3. I never called you racist, I chose my words very carefully as I did not want to assume anything. I suggest you do the same.

Now with regards to the CEO, what is the over/under for how much longer Selim stays in the position? A few months? Year?

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Postby JackGlass on August 14th, 2022, 6:40 pm
Hopefully things will improve in Q3. This is experimental territory. I like what Mr. Bassoul is trying to accomplish. But he seems to be executing his strategy too fast.

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Postby CoasterRiderSC on August 14th, 2022, 6:46 pm
Disney has the most NON-Thrilling rides and charges THE highest entrance price! It's a major ripoff!
My daughter went to Disneyland and rode 6 (YES, SIX) rides in 11 hours at the park! For $130. How is that a good model for customer satisfaction??? I skipped the trip because I absolutely abhor anything Disney. And now with all the stuff being exposed into the light about Disney I really don't care to spend my $$ there.
Last edited by CoasterRiderSC on August 14th, 2022, 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby CoasterRiderSC on August 14th, 2022, 6:49 pm
As for Six Flags, they urgently need to do something about people acting up at the parks! I've been to many other parks and don't see people acting up like they do at our park: Dollywood, Kings Island, Cedar Point, Holiday World, KY Kingdom, etc. At Holiday World, Kings, Cedar and KY Kingdom 1 day tickets weren't more than $50 when I went in 2019-2022.

Dollywood was extremely family friendly and enforced a dress code.

MY point about the 1 day ticket?? A park doesn't need to charge over $100 to have guests that will behave and dress appropriately.

It's going to take some hard work and rebranding of the company and our park to change that image.
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Postby Porkchop23 on August 14th, 2022, 7:59 pm
CoasterRiderSC wrote:MY point about the 1 day ticket?? A park doesn't need to charge over $100 to have guests that will behave and dress appropriately.

It's going to take some hard work and rebranding of the company and our park to change that image.

I don’t want to give anyone the vapors, so I’ll try to word this carefully.

I completely agree that Disney is way overpriced and the rides are underwhelming. I’ll take Raging Bull over Space Mountain every time. The theming and level of detail Disney puts in its rides is awesome. But when the ride queue is more entertaining than the ride, that’s where you lose me. It doesn’t take $100 ticket to go to a nice park. Dollywood and Carowinds are proof of that. But it takes effort to keep the mung out of the park and a high ticket price helps.

Disney World is running at capacity at all 4 parks. Why? It’s 3 to 4 times more expensive to get in. The food is outrageously priced. It’s common for a family of 4 to drop $150 to $200 for lunch at a quick service restaurant. We already agree the rides aren’t anything special, so why do they have to turn away people when SF’s crowds are sparse on a holiday weekend? It used to not be that way on weekends. I’d take a day off work to go during the week before I’d go on my day off on a Saturday because it was too crowded.

A safe, clean, well maintained park with extraordinary customer service is the opposite of Six Flags. It used to offer those things, but somewhere lost it’s way and thought pricing gimmicks and neglect would continue to pay the bills. They attracted a low class customer base and can’t get enough people to work there to properly maintain and staff the park. Why would I want to spend my money and take my family there when other places that don’t have those problems exist?

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Postby JackGlass on August 14th, 2022, 9:16 pm

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Postby anewman35 on August 14th, 2022, 9:33 pm
JackGlass wrote:https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/parkgoers-evacuated-due-to-shooting-at-six-flags-great-america-amusement-park-in-gurnee-illinois/ar-AA10F7op?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=d4e92cc114934ef6b3b66eee36cc24ef

The trash class strikes again :roll:

Seems pretty trashy to me to use this incident, which we still know very little about, to make some sort of class argument. But you do you.

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Postby Sven18 on August 14th, 2022, 10:56 pm
JackGlass wrote:Hopefully things will improve in Q3.

Q3 is going to be just as bad or worse than Q2. Q3 started July, they were cutting operational hours early in the month and it increased across the chain as July progressed into August. The proverbial cake is baked for Q3. A good number of parks are at weekend only already and a majority will be after this week. Frightfest biggest crowds are usually in October, which would be Q4. Frightfest attendance may down quite a bit. The lower pass is blacked out and single day tickets prices increased a good amount. It will be interesting to see if they run any type of Labor Day sale.

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