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SFGAm 12/3

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby FParker185 on December 3rd, 2011, 4:25 pm
Drove by today going to the Golden Corral to meet up with some people, and I can confirm that the park is still there :D
Favorite Wood Coasters: The Voyage, Ravine Flyer II, Thunderhead, Balder
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Postby ragingbull1331 on December 3rd, 2011, 5:01 pm
FParker185 wrote:Drove by today going to the Golden Corral to meet up with some people, and I can confirm that the park is still there :D


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Postby [jonrev] on December 3rd, 2011, 11:23 pm
I concur.

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Postby Ace on December 3rd, 2011, 11:25 pm
I too drove past the park on the tollway today, however I cannot confirm that the mardi gras section will be returning as I did not see it. :lol:
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Postby Goku1910 on December 3rd, 2011, 11:57 pm
I drove passed a week ago and there are X-Flight pieces in the front lot....And I'm being serious.
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Postby CoasterNick3157 on December 4th, 2011, 2:26 am
At least Whizzer is still there.

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Postby FParker185 on December 4th, 2011, 4:42 am

Due to what has been made of this thread, especially on facebook...

If I had pics, I would have called it PTR: SFGAm 12/3, so if anyone opened this thread expecting pics, then the jokes on you. And really... what good is an offseason TR without pictures? No one should have looked at this in the first place :D

What I posted may seem completely useless, but nobody is reading into what I didn't post. I said the park is still there, and that's really all there is to it, in it's entirety.

So you say..."But Mike, we need details, you're detail oriented to an extreme, what's up in that department?"

I saw nothing different regarding the park, there have been absolutely no additions or subtractions to the park skyline that is visible from outside the park. If there were, I would have said something. However I did not look into either parking lot, I did not visit south park to look over the berm, I did not pull into the McDonalds parking lot to have an overview of the entire front gate area inside the park, I didn't even take a really good, long and thorough look from the highway since I was driving, doing any of that, frankly, would have been a waste of my time.

So you come back with "but surely they have X-mas decorations up, right?"

To which I have, if it affects you that means that you live in a sight-line of the park or you drive past the park regularly, in which case you already know about them and I have nothing to add to it beyond what you've seen, and unlike me, you've probably seen them all lit up and night looking all pretty. If you don't live near or go near the park, then it really has no effect on you what so ever. If you travel up to SFGAm solely to see their decorations, then you'll be sorely disappointed since they are not, nor have ever been spectacular or even notable in the least. If you want to see nice decoration then I strongly recommend looking at one of your neighbors houses who go all out for the holiday season, they probably go though a lot more effort and come up with a far superior product compared to what SFGAm produces on an annual basis. Plus if someone goes though the trouble of meticulously strapping then paying to light up 24,000 watts of lighting to the front of their house to prove how much they love jesus, the winter solstice, or just plain want to be the center of attention then they deserve the attention/accolades much more than a business that's trying to draw your eye for the sole reason that you hopefully think to yourself "we need to go there next summer" or at the very least notice the park is still there which may lead to you thinking "we need to go there next summer" :D

"But with your details.... is Sky Trek's Cabin at the top? what state is Giant Drop in? are the cables properly protected? Is eagle getting track work??????"

The park has their maintenance staff, which is always on top of things. No matter any of that, the rides should be ready to run and perfectly safe come May, and if the rides are present now, they will still be there then. I didn't drive around the park to look at stuff cause in the course of my daily life, all those questions have no bearing on my existence. It doesn't matter if they have track/supports strewn all over all their parking lots, it doesn't matter if there are new piles of dirt all over the place, etc, regardless I still live in Woodridge, IL, I'm still an electrician for the Affinity Group awaiting a new job to get going, and I will still sleep A-OK every single night, and come opening day in May, all that stuff will be gone. If the park is physically there, I'm perfectly happy/content. And no, from 94 and from Grand Avenue, Eagle does not have any visible work being done to it, if it did, I would have said something.

Some people, especially around here, obsess about the park to an unhealthy extreme, if you had any of these questions, then I am making fun of you, yes you about how much thought you put into the park and what they do during the off season. The only thing of real interest going on there is X-flight construction, and in order to prevent (felony) trespassing, like they had when SUF and RB were being built, they have put in a rather high quality webcam to track construction so anyone who really cares a lot can follow it online from the safety of their own home.

Oh, and yes, you can see the base of the crane in the webcam, in person you can see the top of it sticking out of the park. It's breathtaking really in all it's 150 or so foot glory and it's striking black color.
Favorite Wood Coasters: The Voyage, Ravine Flyer II, Thunderhead, Balder
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Postby Goku1910 on December 4th, 2011, 4:48 pm
No one here was really asking you for details....even I knew this was a joke thread.
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Postby FParker185 on December 4th, 2011, 6:18 pm
Wasn't aimed towards you or anyone in particular. Just more of a general thing :D
Favorite Wood Coasters: The Voyage, Ravine Flyer II, Thunderhead, Balder
Favorite Steel: Steel Vengeance, Expedition GeForce, Olympia Looping
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Postby Cryptkeeper on December 5th, 2011, 1:57 am
You forgot to add to your TR the number one thing that everyone dies to read when people post TR's from SFGAm - THE RIDE COUNT! It is so very informative and is a MUST for every TR.....<ahem>

I'll add it for you...

Here are the coaster totals:
AE Red: 0
AE Blue: 0
Batman: 0
Dark Knight: 0
Demon: 0
Iron Wolf: 0
Little Dipper: 0
Ragin' Cajun: 0
Raging Bull: 0
Spacely's: 0
Superman: 0
V2: 0
Viper: 0
Whizzer: 0
Grand Total: 0

It's so strange to have such a low total w/ the park being so dead.

Though..maybe you should do a Golden Corral total? Something like...

Number of...

kids using their fingers to pick up food at the buffet:
people sneezing on the sneeze guard:
people throwing up after eating their disgusting pizza:
farts released during and after dinner:
people chewing ice, which eventually leads to it being a projectile that accidentally slices someone in half:
people that walked out of the restroom and declared to no one in particular, "Thank god..it smells fresh here!"
people that take off their shoes and put them on the table neatly beside you.

and you thought only crazy stuff happens at http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/photos!
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Postby FParker185 on December 5th, 2011, 2:03 am
All your categories were to numerous for me to keep track. Maybe next time I'll bring a notebook to help me keep count.

You also forgot to add:

Sanitary violations of the new chocolate waterfall. (also to numerous to keep count)

And everybody knows you have to lean down and stick your head under the sneeze guard whenever you have to sneeze. It's just proper etiquette.
Favorite Wood Coasters: The Voyage, Ravine Flyer II, Thunderhead, Balder
Favorite Steel: Steel Vengeance, Expedition GeForce, Olympia Looping
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Postby tp41190 on December 5th, 2011, 9:05 pm
sixflasgworker wrote:u probably saw the employee lot. thats were they store the track pieces. i no because i work there

If your a troll, hey :P

If not, I think that it is sad that Six Flags hires people who don't is knowing proper grammar or punctuation...let me guess foods or janitorial department? It's good to know that the management keeps you guys in the know of important construction information even when you are not currently employed.

Happy offseason! What a way to kill 2 mins :wink:

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Postby Ilovthevu' on December 29th, 2011, 3:44 pm
Didn't the Moose tell you outside that the parks not open? As soon as the park closes for the season, I barely ever visit Gurnee. I don't see the point. Those stores and restaurants I can find closer by me so it's not worth traveling that far to visit Gurnee. I also think that passing by it for me is not going to help anything at all. It's just going to be closed..., and it's just there... closed.
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