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RCT3 park expanding

Talk about RCT 2, RCT, No Limits, Hyper Rails, Scream Machines or any other Rollercoaster related game here.
Postby revolutiongurl on June 1st, 2007, 11:18 am
How do you make your park bigger in the game? I want to make a SFGAm recreation and I don't have enough room.
P.S. for one reason or another I did not get a booklet with the game. Just telling you so you know why I keep asking questions. Thanks
Eh.......I got nothing.

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Postby demon boy on June 1st, 2007, 4:41 pm
First-If you used sand box mode, you shouldnt have done that.
Second- RCT3 will never have enough "stuff" to make any park recreation. You can get about half way through and then it will begin to lag.
Third- If you're including HH, you won't be able to do S*** because water slides take up so much space.
Finally- Unless you set land aside to buy in the scenario editor, you cannot expand. Sorry.

But hey, get some screen so we can see what you're talking about!!!!!
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Postby RBull4life on June 1st, 2007, 9:22 pm
Though you can always take your sandbox park, and open it up in the scenario editor, then expand the dimensions that way. Then just put all land as owned by you.

I agree with demon boy, good luck with trying to recreate GA. If you are, you would be better off doing sections of the park as separate sandbox parks.
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