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Hershey's Contest

Talk about RCT 2, RCT, No Limits, Hyper Rails, Scream Machines or any other Rollercoaster related game here.
Postby v2guy13 on December 27th, 2005, 11:06 am
Who has RCT3 soaked! yet? I got it for Xmas and there was a coupon inside for a free candy bar. But below it was a ticket thing about a contest from hersheys called "Catch a free ride to college". It's a contest where you design a roller coaster through RCT3 and submit it for hersheys. They judge you on creativity, practicality, functinality, and variables (excitement, itensity, nausea ratings). THe grand prize is a gaming package and $100,000 for a college fund. But listen to the finalist prize- PC, wireless router, a color printer, dvd player, a PDA, a gaming system, a cell phone with $25 pre-paid service, a 24" stereo TV with a flat panel tube, a deluxe computer backpack, a digital camera, and $89 spending money for a theme park near you(gam)!!!!!!!!!1 :D :shock: :wink:

Has anyone else entered? I have. But you have to enter before the end of january.

Or, does anyone have any ideas?!?!?!

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Postby FRD714 on December 27th, 2005, 11:07 am
Well if I had rct3, I would enter.

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Postby Aero737 on December 28th, 2005, 2:22 am
I thought the last version of this contest didn't require you to have RCT3. I thought they gave you a demo like program where you could create your rollercoaster and that was it.
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Postby v2guy13 on December 29th, 2005, 11:39 am
You can. But the demo's only the coaster editor. And you only get a couple of coasters.

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