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[RCT3] Six Flags Connecticut Kingdom - The Final Update

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Postby RollingCoasting on April 11th, 2017, 11:31 pm
Here's a 2000 map of the park:


Front cover. Could've been a bit neater I know

Actual map


The back cover, showing the 2000 calendar


Monday July 3rd, 2000


Good morning


I decided to hit Hurricane first, before the crowds got to it


Might just be the best view in the park right there (Still haven't gotten around to removing those flowers, will do so soon)


Dare Devil Dive can be seen from all the way across the park


Guy behind me on Mr. Freeze had never been on a launched coaster before. Took it like a pro


I wonder if the park will ever build a taller coaster


Today was a great day for Aquaman Splashdown


Even standing on the bridge was enough to cool off


Verdugo was down... sigh


I rode Grand Stand a few times and got lunch at Andre's


Gyration was testing throughout the day but unfortunately did not open


Scream Machine would really benefit from some new Vekoma trains


Chaos was having problems too.. pretty bad for the week of Independence Day


Funny story: Back in 1995 me and my friend were riding Ship Dip and the guy in front of us throw up and it landed on the old woman behind him. Not so much funny as it was gross, but her reaction was still priceless


Connecticut Cruisers is 10x better than Cab Derby was, in my opinion


You won't be seeing this empty line during Fright Fest, that's for sure


Sometimes, you have to finish where you start.


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Postby RollingCoasting on April 16th, 2017, 12:41 am
Thursday July 27th, 2000
End of July crowds


Yep, it's that time of year again


The dreaded final days of Read to Succeed


I figured Connecticut Cruisers wouldn't have a terrible line, so that was my first stop


At 20 minutes, it was the shortest wait of the day


A shot of the crowded parking lot, taken from CT Twister's lift hill


Yeah, no thank you


Batwing's queue was atleast somewhat manageable


I purchased a new camera at the gift shop!


The Lost Rapids now permits single riders to enter through the exit! Really saved me some serious time


Due to the upcharge factor, Dare Devil Dive had one of the shortest line at 25 minutes, so I took it for a ride


On my way to lunch, I saw this line for Cocina Picante and decided to call it a day


I did, however, ride Sky Tower on the way out, as it had just reopened from a breakdown so there was not too big of a line

'Til next time

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Postby RollingCoasting on April 18th, 2017, 10:30 pm
Wednesday August 16th, 2000


Unlike my last visit where I was greeted with more than 30 cars a lane at opening, I was only behind 4 today


As fall approaches us, the park is preparing for their annual Fright Fest event


Here is the plot for Connecticut, supposedly themed around a serial killer running around with a pair of scissors. Seems a bit.. well, dark, for a park event, but I'm sure it'll be interesting, to say the least


This one sounds particularly fun


There better be free confectionaries with this one, otherwise I'm not satisfied trading this with the Hurricane Candy Trail


CT Twister's train has been removed as it prepares to run BACKWARDS for Fright Fest.


Obviously with the addition of Frontier Fling this year, the graveyard has been moved, though, not too far away. My buddy who works at the park told me 2 NEW gravestones will be added to the collection this year. Let the 2001 speculation begin!


I was also told that there was originally going to be a fourth haunt in Fairgrounds themed after Psycho Clowns, but it was cut due to costs


Americana Morgue will be making it's return to SFCK this year!


I heard that Verdugo might receive a retheme for Fright Fest


Same with The Tower of Doom. (Wow! Look at that line!)


Looks like a few passengers regretted their decision to ride

I unfortunately had to leave early due to work. I'll be back for Labor Day weekend

---Jacob Karse---
Mini contest: If anyone can guess the 2 rides being removed the park, you will find out what the new addition(s) for 2001 is/are before everyone else. You do have to guess both right, however, and only 3 pairs of guesses per user.


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Postby Whizzer Whiz Kid on April 19th, 2017, 6:59 am
Guess One
Batwing and Joker Inc being replaced by a Discovery.
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Postby RollingCoasting on April 19th, 2017, 8:01 am
Whizzer Whiz Kid wrote:being replaced by a Discovery.

That'd be a long time to leave that space empty :lol:

In a way, you're close, but it's neither of those

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Postby RollingCoasting on April 21st, 2017, 11:08 pm
Anyone can still guess until the first Fright Fest update on Monday

Sunday September 3rd, 2000
Labor Day Weekend


I had to get to the park today knowing it's the last summer weekend we can go


Fright Fest Countdown: 20 Days!


I've already purchased my pass for next year! One interesting thing to note - The Pass Perks chart in Guest Relations says that 2001 season passholders get a free cut the line pass to use on next years new "Thrill Ride." I'm excited about the free pass, but I'm guessing this eliminates the possibility of a coaster?


I also got a free line-skip pass to use today, so I instinctively used it on Mr. Freeze


Food lines were surprisingly short for Labor Day weekend, but that didn't matter because...


... I was invited to a private barbecue at the Picnic Pavilions by my fellow members of SFCKWorld.com!


You can get really good views of Dare Devil Dive over here


The park even gave us ERT on Haunted Ranch!


I was in the mood for a bit of upside-down goodness, so I took Zipper for a spin


Scream Machine's fog misters for Fright Fest are being put in


In honor of Labor Day, various Patriotic themed apparel was being sold throughout the park. Picked me up one of these shirts for $4. Not bad


Connecticut Twister BACKWARDS began testing while I was at the park today


It will unfortunately only be able to run 1 train like last time, but I think it's worth it for the thrilling experience.


Random fact: You're allowed to bring you camera with you on The Tower of Doom as long as you let the ride ops know before hand


Harley Quinn was fun, as usual. Not much else to say about it.


The park was doing fireworks over by Hurricane at 9:15, so I made my way over there


I spent a good 2 hours marathoning Sky Wheel and Hurricane (This section SERIOUSLY needs a new attraction) before the show commenced.


I couldn't resist one more shot of Hurricane, through the water






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Postby RollingCoasting on April 24th, 2017, 11:07 pm
I'm afraid that Fright Fest is cancelled, unfortunately. I made multiple attempts over the past couple of days to work on it but my game file keeps crashing. I actually have 3 2000 files - One is my regular file that I've been having trouble opening, another is a new one I created 2 weeks ago that's a back-up for the first, and the last one is a Fright Fest file, which I have been unable to open for a couple of days. I've got a feeling the new for 2000 stuff might've had a bit of an impact on how my parks runs, as I've noticed it has been working a bit buggy since I installed everything for this year, and not to mention the game crashed multiple times when constructing the Picnic Pavilions area.

Since I cannot bring you an official Fright Fest update, here are the 3 new gravestones. I originally stated that only 2 rides would be removed, but I've come to a last minute decision to take out Dare Devil Dive after only one year to hopefully help my game to stop crashing. The Picnic area will also be removed, as it seems to be very power-hungry due to all of the custom scenery.

El Starfish

El Starfish gravestone.png
El Starfish gravestone.png (27.98 KiB) Viewed 20683 times

El Starfish's removal is cited with it's excessive loss of ridership due to the incident in 1999

Harley Quinn's Spinsanity/Delirium

deliriumgravestone.png (2.66 KiB) Viewed 20683 times

Harley Quinn is being removed to make room for the 2001 addition. You're probably wondering why I used it's original name on the gravestone.. well, you'll have to wait to find out

And of course, Dare Devil Dive

Dare Devil Dive Gravestone.png

Nobody guessed Harley Quinn's Spinsanity, so the 2001 ride is under the wraps


I'll be releasing a hint or two until the park begins it's 2001 season, feel free and try and guess what the new attraction is, though I will not confirm anything until I post the first update


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Postby RollingCoasting on April 30th, 2017, 9:14 pm
Friday April 13th, 2001
2001 Opening Day


I was amongst the first to arrive at Connecticut Kingdom for the 2001 season


Already done!


New this year is Catwoman's Whip! A Ronald Bussink Professional Rides Evolution


Something looks different here..


It looks pretty intimidating up close


However, it was acting up in the morning preventing me from getting a ride until later in the day


I headed across the midway for a quick lap on Freeze


Taken from the top hat stall, here's all that remains of Picnic Pavilions.


El Starfish's old sign now sports the park's new logo. The rainbow colors do look pretty nice, to be honest


Grand Stand had no line as per the usual so it was my next stop


Cool picture of the vertical and inclined loops


Playing at the Americana Theater this year is American Pop: Sights and Sounds of the 1950's.


This was the only picture of the show I got (Two girls dancing to Elvis) but I thought it was pretty good. The atmosphere was great and so was the music. Would see again


My friend Jarred told me about the "Golden Row" on Scream Machine (Row 7) so I took his advice and went for a ride on it


Well, it was the smoothest for sure, but that's not really saying much.


Lucky guest got a zen ride on Ship Dip


While on Connecticut Twister I noticed Catwoman completing test runs


I nearly trampled a family with a stroller, but I ended up being one of the first people in line for the first public ride on it ever


The seats were fairly comfortable


I enjoyed it, but the woman next to me threw up. Guess it depends on the person. 8/10


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Postby RollingCoasting on May 3rd, 2017, 11:04 pm
Saturday May 12th, 2001


Went to the park for a couple of hours today


Figuring crowds would take over Catwoman's Whip quickly, I made a mad dash for it at the rope drop


It was closed for maintenance... of course


Knowing that it would probably be open within a half an hour, I hung around and killed some time in the Gotham City Arcade


Joust is probably my favorite game here


I walked out of the arcade to see the security guard unchaining the queue so I rushed to make it on the first cycle of the day


Disorienting delightment! Lol


An hour and a half into the park opening, Hurricane's line was still empty (That side of the park never seems to get much traffic), so I went for a ride


Connecticut Twister really looks nice from over here


I've always liked the architecture of The Lost Rapids's station.


Some new scenery appears to have been added to the ride


I love how Hurricane towers over the ride


The paint on the tables outside Orleans Grille really seems to have faded badly


In fact, this entire side of Pontchartrain Bay looks miserable...


...really odd considering they are in the same area of the park as Hurricane, Sky Wheel, and The Lost Rapids, which seem to be three of the park's most well-maintained attractions






Top hat


Though it may not be as smooth as it was back in 1996, Verdugo's boomerang is still one of the most intense elements in the park


I got this cool shot of Grand Stand (Captured from Bedrock Boulder Roller) before heading out.

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Postby RollingCoasting on May 7th, 2017, 11:39 pm
Tuesday May 29th, 2001


Daily operation has commenced here at Six Flags


I made Connecticut Twister my first ride of the day


It was only running 1 train but that was actually convenient because it allowed me to have multiple re-rides without even having to wait in the brake run (Tuesday in May = No crowds)


I prefer airtime to coffee for my morning energy boost


I went to ride Hurricane but it was closed


Something that caught my mind was that the trains seemed to be gone. Me being the enthusiast I am, I decided to walk through the exit to take a peak


No sign of either train. Very strange


TTOD has been running a bit of an odd cycle lately. Slower ascent and the brakes are hitting harder. Hopefully it will be resolved soon


Mr. Freeze, still the park's best ride. I do have to report that they have turned off the themed music in the queue, which is a bit sad, but it doesn't take too much away from the experience I suppose.


It's been open for a year and it still seems like nobody knows about Frontier Fling's existence. :lol: Too bad, it really is one of the park's more fun rides


Fun Fact: Torbellino translates to "Whirlwind" in Spanish


Really liking the new rainbow-logo merch


Verdugo through the trees


2nd to last row ride. Not bad


I had to go early because of work


Until next time,

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Postby RollingCoasting on May 10th, 2017, 10:08 pm
Monday June 18th, 2001
Plans uncovered for proposed 2002 coaster, but the project is cancelled

On my last visit to the park I noted the absence of Hurricane's trains from the track. At first I thought it was for maintenance, but it turns out it was a lot bigger than that

My friend who attended a village board meeting last week informed me of some rather interesting news regarding Connecticut Kingdom cancelling plans for a new coaster. I did some searching on their website and found this from the archives of the meeting:

Proposal Cancelled.png

Superman  Ride of Steel Proposed.png

Superman  Ride of Steel Proposed 2.png
Superman Ride of Steel Proposed 2.png (225.02 KiB) Viewed 20564 times

This sounds (And from the picture provided, looks) like it would've been an awesome ride with a really nice setting, but I understand why it can't happen. Who knows, maybe the park will go with Intamin or B&M for a Hyper now. Actually, back in 1998, the park was considering adding a prototype B&M Hyper coaster where Mr. Freeze sits today. It would've been somewhat of a mirror image to Nitro (which opened this year at SFGAdv) and ran behind Haunted Ranch and Aquaman Splashdown.


The one thing that phases me a bit, is that the park was actually going to remove Hurricane without giving us any form of notice, whatsoever. An interesting thing to note is that as of May 2001, Hurricane has officially survived 2 strikes with the wrecking ball. (The other time being October 1998). The park really seems to want to get it off of their hands. It really wouldn’t surprise me if it is removed in the next couple of years, possibly for a new coaster.

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Postby RollingCoasting on May 13th, 2017, 7:08 pm
Sunday July 1st, 2001




The amount of greenery in this park allows for awesome shots like this one


Catwoman's Whip has had a temporary-looking extended queue set up to accommodate summer crowds. It wasn't too bad of a wait when I rode it, but it filled up later in the day


Aquaman Splashdown was a must on this hot summer day


I took one look at Mr. Freeze's line and said "NOPE"


Verdugo, on the other hand, had a manageable line


Being an air-conditioned ride in July, Haunted Ranch had quite the long line


Heck, even Grand Stand had a 45 minute line


Chaos doing it's thang


My second and final coaster ride of the day was on Scream Machine, which I fortunately happened to walk past after it reopened from a break down. 20 minute wait, still


Someone threw up on Ferris Wheel (How??) so everyone was stranded in the air for 30 minutes while waiting for the janitors to arrive. Oh boy


Connecticut Twister had an hour long line so I rode the Cruisers instead


While riding Sky Wheel I noticed that Hurricane had opened back up.

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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on May 13th, 2017, 8:45 pm
Glad to hear that Hurricane is staying. Thank god Giovanola didn't come to the park!

Can't wait to see what's next!

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Postby RollingCoasting on May 16th, 2017, 11:10 pm
Thanks. It's kind of funny, most people on TPR seemed to actually want the Giovanola, lol

Tuesday July 31st, 2001
End of July


No better way to spot out what ride has the shortest line than Sky Tower


Surprisingly empty for the end of July...


We really need a new coaster to bring the crowds back. The last thing we need is a repeat of 1994


No line for Catwoman!


Down again :roll: I was first on when it re-opened, though


Batwing has always been a favorite of mine


I know it was just painted in 1997, but I would love to see it repainted black and yellow to give it more of a "Batman feel". Too much blue with Mr. Freeze and most of the buildings in Gotham Backlot


Guests enjoying a spin on The Monster


Connecticut Twister is still running smooth 9 years later. Kudos to the SFCK maintenance team


A recent rumor on Screamsource said that Ferris Wheel will be replaced with a 9-inversion B&M Inverted coaster for 2002. Ah, the stuff people send in..


This section of the park should be renamed to reflect the ghost town it is.


Scream Machine was my last ride before heading out. Got to say, it's been running smoother lately. Hopefully it will last

Still haven't heard any (logical) rumors of the park may be getting in 2002, but I've been told to keep an eye on the left side of the park. ;)

---Jacob Karse---
(And no, it doesn't have anything to do with Hurricane if you're wondering.)

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Postby RollingCoasting on May 20th, 2017, 5:14 pm
Thursday August 9th, 2001


I made a quick afternoon visit to the park today


I noticed 2 new signs in the front plaza. The first of which, pictured here, is a directory for temporary ride closures


The other, a much appreciated multi-wait time sign. No longer will I have to ride Sky Tower in the morning to see which ride has the shortest line. The long waits picture here are due to the this being the last week for the Read to Succeed program this year.


Grand Stand was my first ride of the day, only a 5 minute wait


I don't know if they were an enthusiast or not but I heard somebody refer to Grand Stand as "Mini-Mantis". While that is technically true, Grand Stand does have one more inversion than Mantis. (Both have 3 and 4 real inversions, respectively, and an inclined loop)


I noticed something interesting inside of Grand Stand Gifts...


...20% off of Hurricane and Grand Stand toy-models (Though it's most likely because not many people want to pay $35 for a model of a roller coaster :lol:)


You know it's Read to Succeed when Spacely's has a near-full queue


I found an exit pass on the ground and used it to surpass Mr. Freeze's 2 hour queue


What do we have here?


Hmm. Looks the like the outdoor seating has been removed as well


I've heard this general area will house the new for 2002 addition(s), but I wouldn't get TOO excited based on the current rumor (Not going to say what but it's not very thrilling)

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Postby RollingCoasting on May 23rd, 2017, 11:02 pm
Saturday August 18th, 2001


Crowds were very sparse due to school being back in session (Despite it being a Saturday)


Verdugo's had a lot of downtime this season so I was happy to see it running at park opening


Like I always say, coasters are a much better day-starter than coffee


Thought it was cool that I was the only one riding Haunted Ranch


This may just be the best dark ride in a Six Flags park


Is it just me or do these guys look like triplets?


Always a welcome sight


This ride still packs a punch


Don't think a single person rode The Joker all day... surprised mostly every ride was opening considering the low amount of guests in the park




Maybe it's more than just Orleans Grille being removed? ;)


Glad this area is finally getting a refurbishment


The construction fence spans all the way around where Orleans Grille once stood to the edge of Orleans Park
(FYI - Orleans Park's sign has been taken down...)


Truck parked in the area


Eh, this area had seen better days. I'm not too sad to see it go, especially seeing how it compares to Camp Cartoon Network on the other side of the park


I tried to get a picture from Hurricane but obviously I was way off


View of the construction site from Sky Wheel


Tower of Doom


Ferris Wheel


Sky Tower

I'll be back one more time for Labor Day Weekend, but will not be visiting the park in fall this year. I have some personal news to announce in the next update

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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on May 24th, 2017, 12:23 am
Oh boy, things are about to get real!

Excited to see what's coming up. Glad to see Orleans Park is getting a refurb,

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Postby RollingCoasting on May 26th, 2017, 6:24 pm
^ The renovations will be a great change, for sure

Saturday September 1st, 2001


In the previous entry, I mentioned that I would be making a personal announcement today. Well, here it is. After doing these updates for the past 9 years, I am getting married will be moving back to my home-state of Illinois this December. My cousin Mark will be taking over starting next season. I'm sad I won't be here for the park's 10th anniversary in May, but hopefully I will be able to return someday. It's been fun, thank you guys for still reading almost a decade later!


I forgot to mention that a new Subway restaurant opened in the food court mid-season. Definitely one of the park's better-quality eateries


Ran to Connecticut Twister before the Labor Day Weekend crowds took over


Going to miss this view


Here's your final update on whatever's coming for 2002


It's all gone :o


FYI, I've heard from a trusted source that the park will be making a formal announcement in January


I'm not even sure Hurricane will still be here when I come back to the park, so I made sure to get multiple rides on it during my visit


I mean, I could be completely wrong. It could still be standing in 2011. It's just that I have doubts it will exist much longer based on the past few years


No matter what happens, Hurricane is a great family coaster


Weird to think that most of this was just grass back in 1992


Catwoman is still drawing it's "opening season crowds". 75 minute queue pretty much all day


I couldn't leave the park without a few final rides on Mr. Freeze


At least I won't be too far from the St. Louis version


Bringing your camera on board without expressed permission has it benefits (I wouldn't recommend it though)


I would've loved to get a last ride on Verdugo but it was closed. Oh well


Torbellino seemed to be running a faster cycle today


El Scrambler still has one of my favorite settings for a flat ride


I guess I can leave the park thinking Scream Machine is an OKAY ride... New trains would make it a lot better, still


I took one final ride on Grand Stand and headed out.

Again, it's been great doing these updates since '92. Thanks for reading

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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on May 26th, 2017, 8:46 pm
Aww, sad to see that Jason is leaving. At least he'll be married and happy.

Super excited for this park's future!

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Postby RollingCoasting on May 31st, 2017, 11:37 pm
Monday January 14th, 2002
Looney Tunes Land Announced

Mark here. In anticipation for the 2002 season, the park has released an announcement on the addition, Looney Tunes Land

Ethan Gardner, new general manager of SFCK wrote:The past few seasons here at Six Flags Connecticut Kingdom have been mainly focused on thrill rides. This year, our center of attention is on the families that visit out park. We have revamped our old Orleans Park kiddie area to keep up with modern times. "Looney Tunes Land", will open this spring, featuring four rides, including one roller coaster, themed after your favorite cartoon characters, including Bugs Bunny, Yosemite Sam, and more! Join us for our season opening in April! Our winter season pass sale has been extended to next Monday, so don't hesitate to buy your's by then!

These pictures were also attached with the press release...

Looney Tunes Land.png
Looney Tunes Land.png (281.57 KiB) Viewed 20423 times

Logo for the new area


Yosemite Sam's Road Rage, a Zamperla Convoy ride


Bug's Bunny's Tugboat, a Zamperla Rockin' Tug. Note that this is not the same ride as Lake Pontchartrain Boat Tours (Removed last year). This one is a Zamperla make, as stated, whereas LPBT was an in-house version of the ride


Acme Rock-N-Rocket, a kiddie coaster


The only returning ride from Orleans Park is Spiral Slide, now repainted and renamed "Tweety's Clubhouse" to match with the Looney Tunes theme


Non-ride related, Orleans Grille has been replaced by the all-new "Bayou Grill" eatery. No more outdoor seating, but the dining room is huge! (Note: Colors were messed up in editing. The building exterior is actually red and white)

Looks like a promising addition. Much better than Orleans Park, for sure.


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Postby RollingCoasting on June 4th, 2017, 10:55 pm
Friday April 12th, 2002
Media Preview

I was invited to check out SFCK's Looney Tunes area before it opens to the public tomorrow...


The park has put up special decorations to commemorate 10 years of thrills


But today we're celebrating the introduction of the Bugs Bunny crew into the park


As far as signage and ambiance goes, this was some of the nicest in the park. By the way, you will see pretty much no other guests in this set of photos. This is due to me getting here before most of the media, due to my work schedule (Real reason: Peeps dislike the back of my park)


Yosemite Sam's Road Rage greets guests at the front of the area


You get pretty close to the employee service road. I'm sure it was unintentional, but it's a nice touch for a junior car ride.


Tawt you taw a puddy tat and need a place to hide? Look no further


You'll be safe inside of Tweety's Clubhouse.


PS: If you're looking for your first spiral slide credit, the weight limit is 200 pounds, so some of you may want to skip out. ;)


What's up Doc? (View is from inside of Bug's Bunny's Tugboat)


A cred's a cred, right?


Acme Rock-N-Rocket had a decent looking station


The trip to the top was fairly quick. (By the way, Acme runs 2 circuits!)


Interesting way to look at the backstage areas of the amphitheater


I think it was actually a bit better than Spacely's. It's still a kiddie coaster, however...


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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on June 4th, 2017, 11:23 pm
Very nice area! Should be great for the families. One suggestion for the employee road is to include some employee buildings. Maybe some maintenance bays and or employee break areas?

If you want more peeps in the back of the park, one thing I like to do is close everything except the rides you want peeps to go to. That way, everyone has to go to the back of the park.

Looking forward to more!

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Postby RollingCoasting on June 10th, 2017, 11:48 pm
Thanks, I'll try that. Also I'll see if I can put a few buildings in. :)
Friday May 10th, 2002


Beautiful morning to visit the park


Connecticut Twister was my first ride of the day


Fairly crowded for a weekday in early May... must be the low season pass prices this year


A young guest enjoying the newly opened Looney Tunes Land area


Today's forecast: Steep drops and tight curves


Great, as usual


I had lunch at the new Bayou Grill. Food was the same as other places in the park, but the interior is really cool looking


A great collection of thrills


It seems the hype for Catwoman's Whip has died down a bit. Or maybe it's just that most people can't handle the ride's intensity


I took Mr. Freeze in the rear (That's what she said)


And Verdugo in the front.


Haunted Ranch offered a change in pace in intensity


Torbellino is fun for guests of all ages


Time for some stand-up goodness


The station gives off a cool "Retro" feel


The worst part of the ride (1st corkscrew). It would really be great if it was removed and replaced with a simple s-curve.


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Postby RollingCoasting on June 16th, 2017, 11:54 pm
Monday May 27th, 2002
Memorial Day


Happy Memorial Day!


I had a skip the line pass for Scream Machine so I did it first


Still running fairly smoother compared to previous years... good job SFCK maintenance


Dodgems doesn't get talked about much... here's a photo of it (I'll fix that sign soon)


Patriot Pop... pretty nice show to compliment Memorial Day Weekend


Grand Stand was one of few rides without a long queue on this holiday weekend


Hope they don't lose their lunch!


Must've been those chicken burritos...


Another satisfying on-ride shot


Verdugo looks like some kind of knock-off Vekoma SLC from this angle... weird

Unfortunately had to leave before the annual fireworks show. Oh well


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Postby RollingCoasting on June 17th, 2017, 11:48 pm
Thursday June 13th, 2002


Just another day of fun here at SFCK


TTOD's infamously small sign


Nice view of the kiddie coaster from here... it'd look great if they'd plant a few more bushes near the mid-way


You can never take enough photos of such a picturesque ride


Another example...


Just one more...


Okay, Ill stop


Had some lunch at Subway... pretty good food here


Not to stir up speculation so early in the season, but I noticed some men surveying the ground, stakes next to them. The man in the brown suit looks like the general manager of the park. Could just be some electrical work or something like that, but there's something suspicious about those suitcases...


There we some more stakes under Hurricane's station, too...


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