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RCT3 And Lag?

Talk about RCT 2, RCT, No Limits, Hyper Rails, Scream Machines or any other Rollercoaster related game here.
Postby RollingCoasting on July 17th, 2015, 4:11 pm
I Know this is the second topic I've made on here regarding RCT3, but the other one wasn't really the right place for my question.

So I just got a new laptop, and so far, RCT3 works fine with no lag at all. I want to install CS for my park, but the problem is that I don't want any lag. On my family's computer, RCT3 lags horribly. I downloaded a big pack of CS about nine days after getting the game in July 2013. This might be the reason for the lag, but probably not since I don't remember noticing a big change in the game's speed immediately after. I can think of a few other reasons for the lag, most likely it caused by the fact the family's computer has a TON of files on it. But I'm not sure.

So do you think downloading a few CS items will cause lag? Thanks.

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Postby RollingCoasting on July 17th, 2015, 9:38 pm
Well I just downloaded a set into the game, and it turns out, it doesn't lag! :) I will be doing a timeline park on here shortly.

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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on July 17th, 2015, 10:18 pm
It's not just CS. It's the amount of stuff. The larger the park, the more lag.

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Postby RollingCoasting on July 17th, 2015, 10:19 pm
Really? Cause even when I would start an empty park on my computer, it would immediately lag.

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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on July 17th, 2015, 10:30 pm
It also depends on the computer and all the settings, but more stuff means more lag than before.

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Postby RollingCoasting on July 18th, 2015, 9:44 pm
Ok, so this question is unrelated to the topic, but I don't think it's worth making a new one of.

I'm okay with downloading CS now, no lag or anything, but my new problem is making a billboard. I've watched numerous tutorials on youtube, and it says to use: C:\Users\Dell\Documents\My Pictures\ . However, I can only do C:\Users\Dell\Documents\Pictures as My Pictures\ will not work. It tells me that it in unaccesable and that access is denied. Does anyone know why?

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Postby JaminOut on August 19th, 2015, 11:33 am
I know that sometimes when its in night mode, it lags for me...
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