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Indiana Justin & The State of Corn Pt. 2

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby Coaster Justin on July 15th, 2008, 12:06 am
Day 2: Sun in the Funday
Like I said the place had a free breakfast and I took to it like Shapiro to Tony Hawk. Anyway, we finished packing and left to go to the Indianapolis Zoo, Butterfly Exhibit, and Botanical Gardens. The Zoo was pretty good, The Kombo (#163) was my favorite out of the 2 coasters so far and would give Spacely a Sweat if it was built at Great America. I also saw the Dolphin Show which was very enjoyable and they were talking about Energy Efficient Light bulbs; and I was happy knowing my house has around 20 Energy Efficient Bulbs. The Garden thing however wasn’t much and the butterfly thing was fun and weird because they flew around us. After doing the 3 things, We had a quick bite at around 3pm Central and left an hour earlier than thought. As we were driving North to Indiana Beach we listened to Bill Engvall- Here’s Your Sign. The Warning Signs part cracks me up. Due to lack of sleep the night before, I slept for about an hour. We then finally arrived at the most anticipated park on the trip “Indiana Beach” on Beautiful Lake Schafer in Monticello, Indiana.

Indiana Beach is an oddball because its in the middle of nowhere on a pier/ boardwalk on the side of a lake. I have been here before back in 2006 so there wasn’t that much change. One of the first things that I needed to ride was Splash Battle because I heard That Great America might Add one and wanted to see what it would be like. The Ride sounded 100 times better than it was, Loggers Run gets you more drenched to put it more clearly. The Next thing that I rode was the Paratrooper while noticing the new colors the park has and in my opinion has breathed some life in the park. The slides look good, the Galaxi looks good and the log flume looks cartoon-ish. Of course I also came to the park to ride the little known ride called “Steel Hawg.” Its obviously a prototype as it lacks a lot of Potential. The Restraints are terrible. The ride is also about as smooth to your back as riding Iron Wolf with scoliosis. The ride is very intense in a bad way but that’s my opinion, the capacity is also terrible. It makes Déjà vu look like Raging Bull in terms of Capacity. The location is also odd because it is very far away from the park and right between Park Owned Cottages and Nearby Locals Houses. Well, what could go wrong there? After the coaster (#164), I was so out of it that I rode the log flume. I also rode Cornball Express which could use a Retrack, Galaxi which I forgot how steep the drop was, The Tigrr and I also forgot how steep the drop was. I also rode Hoosier, Double Shot because it was closed last time due to weather. Finally the last 2 rides I rode were The Simulator with Monster Trucks which had the best simulator seats I’ve been in. Finally my mom and I rode the “Den of Lost Thieves” which again had a faulty gun. Thankfully, it was my moms because last time I rode it in 06, mine didn’t work.

Before we left I had heard things about the Mexican food but because of the line and my mom’s energy supply at about 46% if that. So I had a Raspberry/ Banana smoothie and enjoyed it. I also saw something called Blue Ribbon Fries and had them. They looked like Potato chips and tasted like fries, We also had Breadsticks which tasted fried. Soon we left and took a quick picture of Steel Hawg. I gave mom directions how to get back to I-65 to get to Chicago. I don’t remember what happened later as I took about a 90 minute nap and woke up around downtown Chicago. My mom was starting to get scared because every 4-5 miles, it said there was construction and she says “As long as she saw Milwaukee, She was OK.” She was also worried that we were going to get home late because she has to work the next day. Finally, we went home at 10:25pm Central Time and I have yet to unpack.

- I almost forgot something my Mom said about Indiana, She said "Indiana is really boring to drive in."

* Coming Soon in August- A Trip Report In Iowa
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