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Indiana Beach - Sunday May 25th 2003

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby CoasterDave316 on May 26th, 2003, 12:52 pm
Indiana Beach Trip Report - May 25th 2003I went to the park with some of my family: My grandpa, my grandma, mom, dad, my cousin who is 9 and my brother. Me and my brother had to stay with my cousin the whole time. He had never rode a rollercoaster in his life before, and he didn't tell me until after we got on Cornball Express.Cornball Express, just plain awesome. They don't get much better than this, your out of your seat more than your in your seat. Meanwhile my little cousin was trying his hardest to stay in his seat, he slouched himself basically to the floor trying to stay in. Made for a funny on-ride photo. I got about 4 or 5 rides on this for the day, I couldn't marathon like I wanted to since my cousin was there and the ride ops were waiting until all but 4 seats were filled in the train before they sent it out.Went over to Hoosier Hurricane after our first ride on Cornball, my cousin probably still shocked about Cornball saw Hurricane was taller and wanted to sit it out. I told him its basically just speed and you don't get thrown out of your seat at all really. He went on it and said he liked it, and by his second ride on it he was doing no hands unlike on Cornball where he held on for his life everysecond. I find it funny, Hurricanes more of a family coaster there when it was suppose to be the big thrill ride. But Cornball which was suppose to be the family coaster IS the big thrill ride there.Speaking of holding on for life that brings us to Lost Coaster. The first 2 floors of this ride are awesome, I only got one ride on this thing. When we got off the elevator lift my cousin wasn't holding on and I suggested that he should hold on as tight as he could because he was about to get thrown around alot. They have some new themeing on the ride and the elevator lift is painted and looks awesome. The theming still looked as if it was in progress though, and I couldn't see much of it since my only ride on it was backwards. They did tame down the 1st floor though, right after the drop that drops you into the rotating tunnel. The brakes bring you to a near dead stop. I had to check which park I was in after that, I nearly thought I was at Cedar Point :). So I came off a little disappointed after my rides on it last year.Throughout the day we rode basically every flat ride and had a nice day at Indiana Beach. The family wanted to leave around 4p.m. so I had no choice when to go, I could have stayed all night :). So I didn't get many coaster rides but still had fun since it isn't all about the coasters at Indiana Beach since they have flats that are nearly just as good. During dinner at the restaurant around there we always go to I was surprised to find out my Grandpa...in his late 60's and after a triple bypass along with my Dad rode the Falling Star! He said he remembers it being much slower when he rode it along time ago lol.Had a nice dinner at the restaurant and then headed home.
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