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The Final day of 2003 TR

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby zjohn1988 on November 3rd, 2003, 7:06 pm
Wow! I can't believe the season has come to a close so quickly!! Well here's my Trip Report for Sunday November 2nd.I was supposed to leave my house at 8AM but i didn't get out till 10AM. I got to the park at 11:15AM. I was with my sister and her friend, since none of my friends could go. :( later in the day we split and i went on my own. I was shocked at how short the lines were. Of course it rained all day, but most of the rides remained open. Giant Drop was closed, V2 was closed, and Dejavu was closed. I went to Superman first. Good ride; waited about 15 minutes. Then went on Rou le Morge. 5-10 minute wait cus the ride op took forever.. :evil: Then we went to Superstition. It hurt, enough said on that. Then went to Viper. (Its around 12:30) No lines!!! WHOO HOO!! I rode it 8 times in a row. I finally stopped because the rain really hurts while going 50 mph. (1:30) I went to Raging Bull. 5 minute wait. after that, i went to Terror Twister. Then went to Demon. No wait. They only had 1 train running all day. Then took a break and went to Mcdonalds. When I got back to the park, I played some DDR till about 2:30. I didn't do so well since the platform was wet and slippery. Then went to American Eagle. After that, I headed to Iron Wolf. 5 minute wait. Then headed to Necropolis. Not all the monsters were out. (4:00) Went to Batman. No wait. I got on it 4 times in a row. :) Then i went back to Iron Wolf. Rode that in the front row about 5 times. (They forced everyone off after the ride :o ) took awile there. Then I went back to American Eagle. (6:00) Rode blue side twice. Then went to the red side (everyone forced off after each ride) The second ride on red i had the whole train to my self. That was really cool. With the rain and the train being light, IT MOVED LIKE HELL!!! :D When i was done, i went back to Demon. (6:30) I rode it 5 times. I didn't have to get off either. The last two times i rode, i had the whole train to my self :). Then i headed back to Raging Bull. NO LINE!! (6:45-7:00) It was funny. No one would get off the train so everyone just stayed on and kept riding till closing. I did too. I was feelin sick after awhile, but i managed to stay on. Overall, today was an AWSOME day and if the rain wasnt there the day wouldve almost been perfect! I managed to get on 35 rides. Here's my total from yesterday plus my grand total for 2003. I hope to see everyone for the 2004 season!11/2Visit #: 11Raging Bull: 11Viper: 8American Eagle: 5Batman: 4Superman: 1Demon: 9Iron Wolf: 5Whizzer: 0Dejavu: 0V2: 0Terror Twister: 1Superstition: 1Rou le Morge: 1Grand TotalSix Flags Great America 11 Visit(s)Whizzer 9 Ride(s)Viper 25 Ride(s)Raging Bull 35 Ride(s)American Eagle 25 Ride(s)Demon 30 Ride(s)Vertical Velocity 13 Ride(s)Iron Wolf 15 Ride(s)Dejavu 3 Ride(s)Batman: The Ride 15 Ride(s)Superman: Ultimate Flight 11 Ride(s)

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