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A Ghoulish Night at Mickey's Halloween Party (10-28-11)

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Postby Director_Guy on November 8th, 2011, 9:06 pm
Tonight's price of admission, DEATH.
Which was easier than I thought. Megan and I put on our best ghoul garbs and headed out.

It's HalloweenTime here at Disneyland and we're here to get out Trick or Treat on!
What is this crazy device held to my ear?!

We were waiting for our friends to arrive, so we rode The Jungle Cruise.

I was actually really surprised how cool the place looked!
Lots of fog a cool lighting effects.

These folks were great
"We wants the redhead! We wants the redhead!"

Ghost Mickey and me.

After some wandering around on getting some DELICIOUS FREE CANDY, our friends Austin and Diandra showed up.
There was a temporary truce held between them, the ghostbusters, and us, the ghosts.
Didn't stop us from trying to scare them BOO!

We also found this AWESOME Ben Kenobi! He even had an English accent.

He was also hanging out with another ghost buster.

The Halloween Tree
I want one of these.

The Rivers of America is COVERED in fog.
So cool!
Austin vows to destroy the fog.

The secret candy compartment.

We just had to see these guys.
Diandra got their autographs.

While waiting for the parade, we shared some candy.
Give me a break.

Then we waited for the pa- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?!
This clown... could see into my soul.

Parade was fun, but not the best I've seen.
Once that was over we got in line to- AHH!
Jeeze... terrifying.

As I was saying, we got in line to see more characters.
This guy tried to eat the ghostbuster's trap! Yeah!
Then we saw the shadow man himself, Dr. Facilier. This is a big reason we wanted to go. He's just awesome.

Trick or Treat thing.


Quite a lovely evening.

We ended the night with a flight through Ghost Galaxy.

The park emptied out pretty darn fast.

But, of course, the night was over and so was our truce! The ghostbusters captured us!
Got 'em!

Too bad. We got a really big haul, too.
Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part that wonders what the part that isn't thinking, isn't thinking of.

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Postby Stoogie on November 10th, 2011, 5:00 pm
Where's the pictures?
Candy: What you lookin' at?
Otis B. Driftwood: I'm lookin' at you, mama.
Candy: Yeah, you see something you like?
Otis B. Driftwood: Maybe. I set my standards pretty low, so I'm never disappointed.

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Postby Cole on November 10th, 2011, 6:35 pm
Up there.
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Postby Stoogie on November 10th, 2011, 7:54 pm
must be something with AO HELL. I can see them on my Iphone 4S but not on AO HELL.
Candy: What you lookin' at?
Otis B. Driftwood: I'm lookin' at you, mama.
Candy: Yeah, you see something you like?
Otis B. Driftwood: Maybe. I set my standards pretty low, so I'm never disappointed.

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Postby FParker185 on November 10th, 2011, 9:36 pm
wait... AOL is still around and people use it? (other than of course AIM and stuff like that)
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Postby Stoogie on November 10th, 2011, 10:01 pm
Yeah, I still use AOHELL. I got it when I got a computer and upgraded from WebTV 11 years ago..lol. But since then, I've gone thru 4 computers and finally have my nice 12 gig mem, 1terHD. So I'm happy now. Only is that a week ago i put my windows 7 computer to sleep at night and when I got up the next day to get online, I had a C:/ prompt. Needless to say I was pissed. Lost all my Fright fest vids, all my vinyl music which went up for sale on Ebay. Man. AOLhas been there for me as far as not losing email. Kind of live when you upgrade to a new Iphone op system, if you don't back it up, bye bye contacts.
Candy: What you lookin' at?
Otis B. Driftwood: I'm lookin' at you, mama.
Candy: Yeah, you see something you like?
Otis B. Driftwood: Maybe. I set my standards pretty low, so I'm never disappointed.

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Postby w00dland on November 13th, 2011, 2:40 pm
Dude! Great photos! I miss Disneyland so much, its probably the #2 reason why I want to move back to Southern California so bad. You guys looked great, and the photo of the ghostbusters catching you guys was so well done. Glad you had fun
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