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Six Flags New Orleans CLOSED

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Postby Danhockey04 on August 31st, 2005, 10:41 pm
SFNO probably has most of their buildings destroyed, flat rides broken or badly damaged, and coasters that are in bad condition now, since most aren't designed to withstand winds over 100-125 mph. So, I think that SF has basically lost a whole park. Not good for a company in billions of dollars in debt.
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Postby coastercrazy111 on August 31st, 2005, 10:50 pm
I know there is a lot of assuming going on. I think mostly we should just wait for word from the park. I am more worried for the victims and their families. I mean we are so lucky that we didnt have to go through that. We are sitting here in our nice houses, with plenty of food and water, and clean clothes, and sitting here on our computers, still having our posessions, but yet we are talking about if a theme park will be able to be saved. I mean I love theme parks just as much as all of you do. But when such a disaster occurs I am more worried about victims and families than I am a theme park. I mean theme parks can be rebuilt, yes it may cost millions of dollars, but you can't restore a life. I couldnt just contact a "engineer" and give him 5 million dollars to bring back a family member killed. There are people still trapped on the roofs of their houses yet to be rescued. They are all being kicked out of there home towns, and herded into a baseball stadium like cattle. How would you feel if you were in that position? On top of that tons of people there are poor to begin with, as New Orleans is a poor community, so this disaster was just another terrible setback in these poor folks lives.
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Postby Aero737 on September 1st, 2005, 1:12 am
Timmy179 wrote:Seriously people SFNO didnt get anything compared to what they could have gotten. SfOT was flooded to the same extent and its not closed down .....

Yes, but the sorrounding city and landscape wasnt destroyed either.

And from what we've seen all the coasters are still standing. I don't think their steel coasters sustained major damage. The wooden ones (if there are any) might be in worse shape from water damage/warped track/missing support structure.
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Postby greatamerica2003 on September 1st, 2005, 3:33 pm
coastercrazy111 wrote: I am more worried for the victims and their families. I mean we are so lucky that we didnt have to go through that. We are sitting here in our nice houses, with plenty of food and water, and clean clothes, and sitting here on our computers, still having our posessions, but yet we are talking about if a theme park will be able to be saved.

I think all of us realize that this was a terrible and disastorous event. These people have lost EVERYTHING. Some have lost their family members as well. New Orleans will never be the same. Just to think of those who are wading through this water/sewage/oil/garbage mess, those waiting on their roofs, or those who did not make it out of their attics they were trapped in. It's a horrible situation.

That being said, I started this topic to discuss the future of SFNO. This is after all a theme park website. I did not intend for this thread to demean or look past the suffering of those in the Gulf Coast.

So its with this means of communication that I emplore you to give to the American Red Cross. It's easy to do at http://www.redcross.org with a credit card. Or call them at 1-800-HELP-NOW

If you can't afford it, then offer your prayers for those in need.

And I know that you can't read this, but to those of you who are looting from places other than food stores, stealing weapons and USING THEM against the helpless residents of New Orleans, shooting at patients being evacuated from hospitals and refugees in helicopters, there is a very special place for you all IN HELL. You are disgusting, you are not human, and you are the scum of the earth.

Sorry for that.

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Postby King_Chaos on September 1st, 2005, 6:45 pm
Now we know why the proposed water park was never built. http://bizneworleans.com/70+M52828ed6d19.html

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Postby Galvan on September 1st, 2005, 10:01 pm

This is what SFNO looks like.

Courtesy of my friends over at Coasterfanatics.com

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Postby [jonrev] on September 1st, 2005, 10:03 pm
OMFG!! Won't see that park open for a few years.

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Postby rct2wizard360 on September 1st, 2005, 10:19 pm
Sorry to say, but there is alot more to worry about SFNO right now.

One consideration is to just leave New Orleans a ghost town.

Now we have looters, gunmen, and this is like a video game on steroids. This is a horrible tragedy andmy condolences to the families of the tragedy.

Watching CNN right now, I am still in dis-belief. Its hard to believe this is even happening.

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Postby Andrew on September 1st, 2005, 11:16 pm
It seriously makes me feel sick when I think about it or watch it on CNN.

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Postby SFaddiction84 on September 2nd, 2005, 1:12 am
First - Yes there are other things to worry about! but you know what? We can think of 2 things at once....there is literally nothing i can do to help, so for now im gonna talk about SFNO and worry about the people at the same time

Second - YES The coasters are still standing but REMEMBER were the electrical units, computers and engines for the lifts are....ALL ON OR NEAR THE GROUND, meaning they are all submerged in water, so yes they may still be standing but the operations to run the ride are most likely water damaged and totally destroyed

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Postby rctfan1556 on September 2nd, 2005, 6:24 am
All I know is, the park will be closed for a long time. It will mre then likely reopen though just not for a long time. Even if SF doesn't have the money to pay for it, they will more then likely get help from the government.

Second - YES The coasters are still standing but REMEMBER were the electrical units, computers and engines for the lifts are....ALL ON OR NEAR THE GROUND, meaning they are all submerged in water, so yes they may still be standing but the operations to run the ride are most likely water damaged and totally destroyed

Yeah, every electrical unit, wires, and such will definetly have to be replaced.

All I can say, is I definietly feel sorry for the people who were affected by this Hurricane and the people who have to go into those conditions and clean up. From the looks of it, there is a chance of rain and t-storms the 6th-11th which is one thing those places don't need.
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Postby Coaster Alex0805 on September 2nd, 2005, 5:10 pm
Im sure Six Flags isnt to happy with the huricane because maybe someone wants to buy them but not New Oreleans...?
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Postby haydawg149 on September 2nd, 2005, 9:17 pm
i actually seriously cannot believe that you guys are more worried about a damn ameusement park when there are thousands of people without homes, food, or water, Serioulsy, this is pathetic . . .

seriously, You guys really need to grow up . . .

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Postby SF Critic on September 2nd, 2005, 9:48 pm
^Actually this a coaster board, so expect people to talk about an amusement park fatality.

I do agree with you at some extent. Theme parks like SFNO and the city of New Orleans can be replaced. You can't replace a human being. :cry:
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Postby Aero737 on September 2nd, 2005, 10:23 pm
haydawg149 wrote:seriously, You guys really need to grow up . . .

Well, If you havent noticed we have been talking about the humanitarian effort. Those posts are reserved for the off topic forum, this is for talk about the amusement park.
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Postby LaTiNoObSeSeDSFGAm on September 2nd, 2005, 10:39 pm
Do you guys know what the blue tunnel tubes are ( well at least they look like tubes ) ?
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Postby FParker185 on September 3rd, 2005, 12:24 am
the park has it's own leavee system and a massive pumping station. Once both were repaired(and services restored obviously), they park could be opened very short term.

That of course ignores the fact it'd be the only dry spot for miles, and the local market is no longer interested in going there most likely for quite some time.

I'm not saying it will reopen, just if it were different circumstances, a smaller flood from a much smaller storm, but with the same amount of water in the park, it would easily repopen, it happens all the time that park is the textbook flood prone area. Also most buildings in the park are intact, along with all rides. Anything on rides along with merchandise that is non submersable would have been removed in preparation for the storm.
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Postby LC3 on September 3rd, 2005, 8:27 am
Do you think that all of the Six Flags will do something to help the victims of this tragic catastrophe (i.e. partner up with the American Red Cross and do a blood drive at the parks or contribute a percentage of their ticket sales to the relief fund)?

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Postby SFaddiction84 on September 3rd, 2005, 8:27 am
Also most buildings in the park are intact, along with all rides. Anything on rides along with merchandise that is non submersable would have been removed in preparation for the storm.

How are ALL rides NOT destroyed. Have you ever taking a computer or a cell phone or anything with wires or GEARS and put them in water? THey FRY!!! The computer burns out, the cell phone dies because the circuit board is FRIED!, this is whats happening to the mechanical and electrical and computer operatiions to these rides as they sit SUBMERGED in water. just because the STATION sits well above ground doesnt mean that other electrical parts of the ride wont get damaged. its gonna take 6 months or so to drain and 1+ years to rebuild new orleans, SF might as well just SELL OUT or just sell everything it can from the park.

2nd, how can computers/wires and other eletrical equipment not be damaged when they have been submerged underwater for DAYS NOW, i think its safe they are all FRIED

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Postby SF Critic on September 3rd, 2005, 9:14 am
LC3 wrote:Do you think that all of the Six Flags will do something to help the victims of this tragic catastrophe (i.e. partner up with the American Red Cross and do a blood drive at the parks or contribute a percentage of their ticket sales to the relief fund)?


Today, September 3, 2005 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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Postby twixmix0303 on September 3rd, 2005, 11:32 pm
SFaddiction84 wrote:
Also most buildings in the park are intact, along with all rides. Anything on rides along with merchandise that is non submersable would have been removed in preparation for the storm.

How are ALL rides NOT destroyed. Have you ever taking a computer or a cell phone or anything with wires or GEARS and put them in water? THey FRY!!! The computer burns out, the cell phone dies because the circuit board is FRIED!, this is whats happening to the mechanical and electrical and computer operatiions to these rides as they sit SUBMERGED in water. just because the STATION sits well above ground doesnt mean that other electrical parts of the ride wont get damaged. its gonna take 6 months or so to drain and 1+ years to rebuild new orleans, SF might as well just SELL OUT or just sell everything it can from the park.

2nd, how can computers/wires and other eletrical equipment not be damaged when they have been submerged underwater for DAYS NOW, i think its safe they are all FRIED

They never said ALL rides. They said in the future, rides would have to be removed/protected from the weather. Also, just because a ride was submerged in water does not mean it is completely destroyed. Even if the computer system is completely useless, the rest of the ride (structure, etc.) is still fine. Those rides are designed to handle weather, control systems are kept in weatherproof cabinents (to a certain extent, they may not handle extensive flooding), but even if the computer system is useless, the entire ride is not destroyed. Also, gears do not fry.

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Postby LaTiNoObSeSeDSFGAm on September 4th, 2005, 1:24 am
SFaddiction84 wrote: How are ALL rides NOT destroyed. Have you ever taking a computer or a cell phone or anything with wires or GEARS and put them in water? THey FRY!!! The computer burns out, the cell phone dies because the circuit board is FRIED!, this is whats happening to the mechanical and electrical and computer operatiions to these rides as they sit SUBMERGED in water. just because the STATION sits well above ground doesnt mean that other electrical parts of the ride wont get damaged. its gonna take 6 months or so to drain and 1+ years to rebuild new orleans, SF might as well just SELL OUT or just sell everything it can from the park.

When he meant entact I believe he meant that rides are still up. Everybody who is anybody should know that the electronical systems are out. By the by how come I dont see Mr. Freeze on the picture? Isnt it still up? And is it just me or does the park look smal compared to other SF parks?
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Postby FParker185 on September 4th, 2005, 2:59 am
while I've never been there, most flood prone parks I've been to keep the expensive electornics on stilts or on the second floor of buildings. With it being a newer park, I'd assume either of those are in use or the stuff is in watertight buildings.

Rides can be safely sumberged, motors dry out, and most rides dont have the sensative electronic components on the ride istelf, they are in the comptuer room or in weathertight boxes. For the most part the electronics in rides are nothing more than wires, circuit boards and whatnot are elsewhere.

I'm sure people here have seen pics of Mindbender at SFOG under about 25 feet of water down in it's pit, and the ride didnt fail to reopen the day after the water receded to a safe level. (I'll see if I can find the pic online somewhere, I do have it on my computer though)

Also to the above post, they dont have a Mr Freeze, unless it's some other flat ride or something.

And also all this assumes the entire park does not sink back into the lake entirely, it is reclaimed land and has been known to be quite unstable, if it werent for flood walls I bet it'd be nothing more than a pile of dirt&rubble by now.

Though I can nearly guarntee the park will not reopen this year even if they are 100% ready for operation. (honestly I dont think the park will ever reopen, especially not under the Six Flags moniker, not due to damage, but I'll save that for another post)
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Postby FParker185 on September 4th, 2005, 3:18 am

Makes it easier, uploaded my pic.

Was open shortly after that pic was taken

SFOT's was worse though, Shcokwave was nerly entirely underwater a few years back, only reason it didnt open up as soon as the floodwater went down was water washed out the ground to the point where footers were dangling mid air. That is the real problem with flooding.

(edit) didnt seem to work, kink
http://image60.webshots.com/60/6/28/96/ ... Hut_ph.jpg
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Postby Jamesb58 on September 16th, 2005, 12:51 pm
The below link has pictures from inside and outside of SFNO.
It looks like the only coaster, to not get track damage is
Batman. It looks like all of the tracking is above the water.

The park looks ok, but once the water is 100% drained, we'll
know exactly what the damage is. I think Six Flags should
just sell off the land and not have a park in NO.

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