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Have you ever closed a ride???

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Postby Jodon on May 12th, 2014, 9:16 am
Have you ever noticed something that ended up shutting the ride down for maintenance?

For example, I was at the park yesterday and was about to ride Orbit. I got in my car and pulled the top down. The park was empty so there were a lot of empty cars and the ride op was going around closing the rest of the cars so we could ride. The op slammed the top down on the car right in front of mine and a bolt flew off the top. I notified the op and they found the piece, found where it came from, but had no idea what to do about it, so they shut the ride down and called for maintenance. I have no idea how long it took for them to get the ride back up and running as I left the park shortly after attempting to ride.

Does anyone else have a similar experience? Looking for experiences from GP, not when you were working.

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Postby JimPanky on May 12th, 2014, 10:27 am
Ride ops would not fix something like that. Going down and calling maintenance is what all ops would do.

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Postby Jodon on May 12th, 2014, 10:57 am
I was well aware that the ride ops were going call maintenance and I'm quite happy that they did. If I hadn't notified the op of the bolt flying off, they would have been non the wiser and ran through another cycle. I'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience on any ride.

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Postby JimPanky on May 12th, 2014, 12:04 pm
Jodon wrote: I notified the op and they found the piece, found where it came from, but had no idea what to do about it, so they shut the ride down and called for maintenance.

They didn't "have no idea" they knew exactly what to do and that's what they did.

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Postby Jodon on May 12th, 2014, 2:18 pm
JimPanky wrote:
Jodon wrote: I notified the op and they found the piece, found where it came from, but had no idea what to do about it, so they shut the ride down and called for maintenance.

They didn't "have no idea" they knew exactly what to do and that's what they did.

It sounds like you know what happened. Were you there when this happened? If you weren't there, let me clear things up a bit for you. They were quite confused on what to do. Their first reaction was to try to put the piece back on the car. Then two of the ops, came over to the car and shook the roof for a bit to check if they thought the roof was safe. Then, after all three ride ops conferred for a little bit, they then decided to call maintenance. I thought that putting "but had no idea what to do about it" was easier and less wordy than the actual events. Apparently, I can't leave any details out, lest anyone get confused or want to argue over semantics.

Now back to my original question, have any of you as GP notified a ride op about a potential problem and as a result, the ride shut down for some period of time?

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Postby NightRider785 on May 20th, 2014, 6:37 am
I've been in line for B:TR when it's been unloaded to wait for landscaping. A guy came back and said a piece of shrubbery hit him. The lead rode it to verify, then called it down.

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Postby Whizzer Whiz Kid on June 10th, 2014, 7:26 pm
I was on a field trip to Little Amerricka and I slid through the first set of breaks on Mad Mouse. My friends were jealous that I got to ride and they didn't. They shut it down and about and hour later, it was open again.
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Postby Luxornv on June 10th, 2014, 11:44 pm
When I first read this, I thought of "close a ride" like "close a bar, and thought, "yes, I have several times." I've been on a few rides when they broke. I remember being stuck on Condor and SUF at SFGAm, and I've been stuck on Skyhawk at Cedar Point.

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Postby Whizzer Whiz Kid on June 11th, 2014, 5:21 am
This was a while ago but my chain came off on a handcart at Kiddieland. It was closed for the rest of the day.
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