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The official "other hobbies" thread.

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Postby rich12_16 on October 22nd, 2010, 4:31 pm
What else do you guys enjoy, other than Amusement Parks?

I myself am an avid concert goer, I try and go to one concert a week, credential permitting. I have a music based website, so I get free concert tickets.

I plan on attending sever music festivals in the spring/summer/fall. Not much goes on in the winter time.

What do you guys like to do?
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Postby monsterfan99 on October 22nd, 2010, 4:47 pm
I follow Mixed Martial Arts as much as I do theme parks. I found UFC 1 at the local video store in 94 and have been hooked since. Too bad the closest we get to big name fight in Orlando is down in Miami. One day UFC or Strikeforce will come down here.

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Postby rich12_16 on October 22nd, 2010, 5:08 pm
Mixed Martial Arts.... That's awesome!!!!
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Postby [jonrev] on October 26th, 2010, 4:13 am
Photography, mostly. Most of my other hobbies are tied into it, especially urban exploring. I'm also an audiophile, and I'm restoring a 1988 Pontiac Fiero Formula.

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Postby RBull4life on October 29th, 2010, 12:02 am
Drawing. Just sold my first piece of artwork after entering the first artshow I was in. Other than that, right now it's playing Rock Band 3, learning pro guitar.
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Postby monsterfan99 on October 29th, 2010, 4:36 am
^Congratulations on selling you first piece. I've always been told it's the hardest to sell.

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Postby RBull4life on October 29th, 2010, 6:54 pm
^ Thank you. I never thought I had a chance to win an award, but to sell it came as a complete shock, since mine was the only Charcoal work in the show.
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Postby Ilovthevu' on October 30th, 2010, 11:08 pm
I would say board games, tv (sports - baseball, football, trucks), Christmas, and Halloween. Christmas and Halloween aren't really hobbies, but I get into them a lot with decorations, movies / specials, and music.
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Postby Galvan317 on November 10th, 2010, 11:24 am
Guitar, heres a picture of me playing onstage

OK maybe thats not really me, but this is

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Postby Luxornv on November 14th, 2010, 3:34 am
I've been a fan of drag racing since I was 3 and follow that every season. I've been going to events since I was 5, and have never missed an NHRA pro event at Route 66 Raceway since it opened.

I'm also a Blackhawks fan and general hockey fan. I'm in Milwaukee right now and have already been to 4 Admirals' games. I went to 9 last season, including 2 playoff games, as well as 8 in the previous season and one playoff game that season.

I've also been getting into photography since I now have a camera capable of taking good pictures. I take pictures at mostly hockey games, amusement parks and drag races. If you read my trip report about my most recent trip to Cedar Point, then you've seen my coaster pictures. Those are really the only ones I've gotten with my new camera. I've also been taking a lot at the hockey games I've been to this season. Here's a sample of some of my hockey pictures:



Admirals v Wolves at the Bradley Center

This is a picture from a game at my college, MSOE. The light level is poor in our arena for taking pictures.

I haven't had a chance to get my camera to a race yet, so it's just one more reason why I'm waiting for the 2011 race at Route 66 Raceway.

My philosophy on photography is that I really like what I like and I want to show other people why it's cool. They only way to really do that though is to take some awesome pictures.

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Postby tp41190 on November 14th, 2010, 7:28 pm
^Nice pictures. How ofter do you see the Admirals play? I didn't get season tickets this year, but I'll probably get to half of the games for the first half of the season.

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Postby Luxornv on November 14th, 2010, 8:21 pm
tp41190 wrote:^Nice pictures. How ofter do you see the Admirals play? I didn't get season tickets this year, but I'll probably get to half of the games for the first half of the season.

Thank you. I printed some of those and had them autographed a few games ago. So far I've been to 4 games this season, one of the October games against Chicago, another against Abbotsford, one against Rockford, and finally last week or so against Peoria. I'm a Hawks fan, so I made a point to make it to the Rockford game. I was wearing my white Hawks jersey and they actually invited me on the ice to play the frisbee game during the intermission. I got booed for that one :P. I probably won't be going to any games in the next few weeks, I'm heading home to Chicago for break, and I'm not sure when the next game I'm going to will be. It usually ends up being if I'm bored and there's a game, I go. I'll PM you next time I know I'm going. Otherwise, if you ever see someone wearing a red Hawks jersey with Johnson #23 on it, or a white Hawks #4 Hjalmarsson jersey there, then it's probably me.

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Postby Iggy ACE on November 16th, 2010, 1:05 pm
Me and the family just got into Geocaching. A fun hobby that we can also do while out visiting amusement parks. Picked up a couple while near Dollywood, Carowinds, King's Dominion, Dutchwonderland and Hershey Park.

www.geocaching.com for info on it.
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