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Cedar Point- August 16th and 17th

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Postby nkavy71 on August 18th, 2003, 7:49 pm
My dad took me to Cedar Point for my birthday and it was the best birthday present ever!! We live near Milwaukee, Wisconsin so it took us about 7 hours to get there. Anyway we left around 830am and arrived in Sandusky at our hotel at about 400.Immediately we drove to the park and by 430 we were inside. We purchased a night pass, it's really convenient that they have those. The first thing we went to was Wicked Twister but thunder clouds rolled in and an insane storm rolled in and a freakin water spout tore through!! We were right by the sea show or whatever it is almost right on the lakeshore by Wicked Twister and rain was blowing at us horizontally, it was nuts! Raptor had also stopped on the lift hill right before this wicked storm tore through so I hope they got all the passengers off before it came through cause the winds from the water spout would not have been fun sitting up there!Okay so about an hour later the rides started running and we went to Wicked Twister and waited about 2 minutes. It was amazing! Great launch and I love the back spike how it twists. It's really a different experience than V2. They both have their good parts, one is no better than the other.After this we headed straight for Raptor and waited about 30 minutes. Man, what a great inverted coaster! I love how you catch a little air on the first drop, and I love the bunny hop towards the end, and especially that high-speed helix, the G's totally pull on your face right near the end of the helix- great, fast, intense ride.Next we walked to Mantis, but it started drizzling and they predicted that another storm would blow through so they shut it down, and we left for the parking lot and had a little bit to eat before returning because the weather cleared up.So we headed back to Mantis, waited about 20-30 minutes and got on the very back row. I loved the airtime you get in the back row on the first drop, on the S-curve before the mid-course brake, the drop off the mid-course and another s-curve in the figure eight finale. Powerful, I loved the intensity and speed but they have a break near the bottom of the drop which took away from the speed. Also this ride hurt my ears a little, it manages to throw my head against the restraints a lot.Next, we went to Millenium Force which was about an hour wait. Got on one of the back rows. What a GREAT ride, especially since it was now dark. The first drop is GREAT, and the speed is amazing. I LOVE the negative- G's.To end the night we got on Top Thrill Dragster, waited about 35 minutes mainly because a lot of people left because of the rain. But wow, 35 minute wait for this thing on a SATURDAY NIGHT- we got pretty lucky. And oh...my...God, :shock: This ride was unbelievable, just insane. The launch blows my mind, and the drop is so exhilirating!-- So we got back to the hotel around 12 went to bed, got up the next morning around 8 and got to the park by 10. First thing we went to was Magnum. It was a great ride but it needs more padding on the lap bars because it really hurt my legs on the bunny hops at the end because it was yanking me out of my seat and literally bruising my legs every time. Also it hurt my back at the bottom of all the bunny hops.Next was Mean Streak, no wait, and I can see why. This ride was horrible, there are WAY too many trims on this ride. And besides the outrageously excessive braking, this ride was soo incredibly bumpy and it would just slam my back against the seat repeatedly, even when i leaned forward it HURT.Gemini- 15 minute wait, pretty fun coaster.then, Corkscrew- 10 minute wait, boring and painful at the same time. It was a waste of time!Iron Dragon- 20 minute wait, I really enjoyed this one. I think they should build more suspended free-swinging coasters like that because they're pretty fun. I liked the fog at the end.Power Tower- 20 minute wait, rode the "Red" towers, (the side that launches you up, rather than lifts you slowly and drops you)- It was pretty thrilling, but it would've been more thrilling on the "Green" towers which lift you up slowly and then drop you.Millenium Force- 1 hour and 30 minutes including a breakdown that lasted about a half an hour, loved the ride! Almost blacked out through from the base of the first hill all the way to the ascent of the first camelback, I think due to the strong positive forces! I love how FAST and smooth it is.--Went back to the car to eat a tailgate lunch, then headed back in at around 2Blue Streak- fun, a lot more enjoyable than Mean Streak, but I wish it could've lasted longer. Oh well, it was only about a 5 minute wait.next, we decided for a water ride because my dad's stomach wasn't doing too well. So we went on the flume ride. I forgot exactly what it was called, but it was fun, didn't get us too wet. I didn't like the fact that it was lake-water through and un-chlorinatedthen I went on Thunder Canyon but my dad didn't want to get soaked so I just went on. I might as well have gone swimming with my clothes on- that's how wet I was. It was fun but the water in the river was also lake water which wasn't a very pleasant thought.Next... Mantis, got on the front row, waited about 45 minutes total. The front was great, it still banged my head a ltitle but I didn't mind.Top Thrill Dragster- waited about an hour and 30 minutes, LOVED IT!!! AS USUAL!! Just amazing, it never ceases to amaze me!Ate dinner and a funnel cake, then hit Raptor which was a 30 minute wait. Sat near the back, I really love this ride.Finally.Top Thrill Dragster- *****WHICH WHILE IN LINE WE HAD THE PLEASURE OF BEING ABLE TO WATCH A TRAIN NOT MAKE IT OVER!! They had mechanics come and start it up again which took about 30 minutes and it cleared the hill. So 10 minutes later we're on and off, God I love that ride. It's my favorite roller coaster of all time. :lol:Me and my dad went back to the hotel and left the next morning- Overall I had the best weekend of my life!! I was also really impressed with the staff in this park, they actually talked to you in the stations, and they kept rides up and running to their maximum capacity (most of the time). I feel so lucky that I was able to ride the Dragster not once, twice, but THREE times!ANY OF YOU WHO HAVEN'T BEEN TO CEDAR POINT.... GO!!!!! YOU'RE MISSING OUT IF YOU DON'T!![/u][/i][/b]

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Postby RagingBullDude13 on August 18th, 2003, 8:09 pm
Great TR... I left CP on the 15th at about 6, after a first row TTD ride!! Guess how long the extra wait for front was?? Try ZERO! As soon as i got into the station the ride-ops were sayin "single rider" so i jumped rite up there! (I was alone because i ditched the group who was at Soak City after seeing a TTD test run!) Oh and when you said "It's my favorite roller coaster of all time." ............... I AGREE :D !

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