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*sigh* moderators these days

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Postby Galvan on September 2nd, 2010, 11:20 pm
Listen, A LOT of other fan sites wouldn't have given you a second chance to prove yourself, after some of the topics that we've seen here. 99.8% of the time we look the other way, or just delete or edit the comment of the post.

As for the TR, they came back not once, not twice, not three times, but FOUR times ripping on the forum and the content with-in. And Ultimately spitting in your face too as your a member of our group. So, I tried to be nice, I have been called an asshole before, handing things that way didnt work, so... I will have fun at other peoples expense. Might as well, they could care less about us, why not return the favor.

David is just an example of the MANY people we've given slack too over the last few weeks, you think on Coasterbuzz he would have gotten that? I dont think so.

Potato Man, if you came here to learn and study coasters, great you're in the right place. Because when this forum has well thought out and insightful topics, you will learn a lot from them.

But when you have topic after topic of complaining, crying, whining, and down right stupid threads, The Mods will deal with it. And if that means having fun at someone else expense so be it. (Especially when that someone else was being an ass in the first place)

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Postby Timmy179 on September 3rd, 2010, 11:31 am
it came down to one of two things, they had to choose between:

Banning David


buying him


I can see how they chose option 1, cheaper and less risky.
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Postby Chitown on September 5th, 2010, 1:55 pm
Going to jump on here even though I am a pretty down to earth laid back guy. I am probably the most Liberal Moderator on this site. I let things go. When I do respond, it means you pushed a button. lol

We all have differences of opinion, and that is great because it creates debate. But when someone constantly complain and complains, it starts to become a cancer.

Yeah, I called out the 13 old year girl, but she is old enough to take the ridicule so back off.

As far as David, I haven't gotten involved with his stuff, but I have no prob with him posting on this site again. Kind of a shame he started a Facebook page against us. Oh well, that is his deal.

For everyone that posts on this site, I love all of you. We share the same hobby.
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