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SFGAm 8/21/03

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby FavreFan on August 22nd, 2003, 8:08 pm
I don't feel like writing a big TR, so I'll just write about the rides in order.VERTICAL VELOCITY - 1 ridewait: 10 min (near back)This ride never disappoints me. The launch is fun, and the air on the back spike is amazing. I love the brake too. It's best in the front, but the line was too long so we went in back.8.5/10BATMAN: THE RIDE - 1 ridewait: 15 min (back row)Very intense in the back row, but way better in the front. My brother didn't want to wait for front, so we just went in the back.6/10LOGGER'S RUN - 1 ridewait: 30 min.It's been a long time since I rode this, and I was surprised by it. The drop was very fun and we got soaked! Great ride to cool us down.7/10IRON WOLF - 1 ridewait: 20 min (near back)I hate this ride. One day I'll have an okay ride on this and the next it's sucks. This ride sucks. The seats are very uncomfortable & it beats you up a lot.3/10AMERICAN EAGLE red - 1 ridewait: 20 min (front row)Fun ride, but it's incredible in the front row. The speed in the front is unbelievable. The front is the way to go.9/10 in the frontDEMON - 1 ridewait: 5 minBoring and a little rough. The drop is okay.3/10SPACE SHUTTLE AMERICA - 1 ridewait: 10 minAir conditioning was awesome, but the ride is really lame.4/10 (2 bonus points for the AC)VIPER - 2 rideswait: 30 min (back row), 20 min (near back)I had my two best rides of the year today. The last three visits to SFGAm, Viper's ride ops have just stapled my lap bar down. This time I had my lap bar a good 4 inches above my lap. The air was unbelievable. This is a great coaster!10/10After Viper, we saw the 3:30 show of Adrenline Rush. Again, air conditioning was great & the show was better than I thought it would be. It was cool how DiVinci's parachute from the 1500's actually worked.RAGING BULL - 2 rideswait: 15 min (back row), 30 min (near back w/ 10 min. break down)This is the best ride in the park. The first drop is awesome, and the rest of the ride is just as good. Back is the way to go.10/10We didn't ride Superman because I heard a worker say it was one train operation, and I didn't want to wait 2 hours for it.Deja Vu was closed again. My brother's been to the park about 6 times in the last two years and he still hasn't ridden Deja Vu.Good day other than the heat.
SFGAm count - 6 visitsRB-12 Viper-11 GD-4 AEred-9 AEblue-3DV-2 Whizzer-0 Demon-2 S:UF-7 V2-11IW-2 B:TR-6

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Postby Aero737 on August 22nd, 2003, 11:38 pm
Hey! Thanks for spoiling the movie....I cant even imagin being at the park on a day like yesterday. Sounds like it wasn't that crowded yesterday. The heat was the reason I didn't go to the park on Thursday.
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Postby SFGAmfreak4life on August 23rd, 2003, 1:06 pm
Sounds like you had a good time. Too bad you had a bad ride on IW. Hopefully next time you will have a good ride on it like I always do. I never bang my head on it. Its one of my favorite coasters in the park. Its kind of weird how B&M's first coaster was a stand up. I heard that the trains on IW are actually Intamin trains. Im not going to take this as a fact though.
R.I.P. Deja Vu 10/07/01-10/28/07

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