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8/11/03 Trip Report: The Good, Bad & the Ugly

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby TwistedSTEEL666 on August 12th, 2003, 12:53 pm
Well we got to the park at around 8:15 am waited in line for the parking lot to open, I was with my friend & 'older friend' who would'nt ride a single coaster no matter how hard I tried.....anyway I got out of the car & went onto the side-walk for like 10 minutes & took a few pics of Superman, then I headed back to the car, we were like the fifth car in the line(silver crown victoria) finally about 9am they opened the parking lot & it took them a little while to open the booths, we got a very good parking spot right near Superman so I decided to take a couple of more pics in the parking lot......When we got to the main enterance, there was not too long of a line for people waiting to get in at the far end, so we got into that line.......at about 9:30am they started letting us in to the park & the line was moving so slow, anyway when I got to the metal detector my shoes set it right off! So I had to be 'scanned' with a hand-held metal detector, it only took a couple of minutes, so then me & my friend & my sisters were off towards Superman(we RAN like crazy!) We got there & they said it was temperarly closed :x so we decided to head for Batman, we had to wait for the park to open, because it was around 9:45am, when we got to BTR, the lines were like medium to long so we got in line & it was about I guess 20-30 minutes later when we got to the front row, the ride was fun just as it always is & my lil' sister's who have NEVER been on any large 54'' inch or looping coaster loved BTR.........it was now going on 11am & the weather threatend several times to close down the coasters but it did'nt :wink:...next we started heading for RB & my sisters started to complain that they were afraid of it! Besides RB had lines just as long as Superman, so me & my friend would come back later with Fastlane. I tried to reason with them but no they would not go on it untill night :!: so we went on Viper for them, the lines were not long at all, we got to the front after them about 30 minutes........after that we met up with our group, one of my sisters wanted to go on Giant Drop while the other who rode it last year was now afraid of it THIS year! So my mom took her on GD & me & my friend never knew it would take about an hour & a half! We decided to go on River Rocker & maybe it would pass the time it was around 11:30 ish, again the weather threatend with rumbles of thunder.......after GD finally! We went to have our hands stamped (12:15ish) and went to eat lunch in the parking lot, we finished quickly so me & my friend went back into the park to ride Superman, again the the metal detectors were a bother, so when we finally got into the park, my friend suggested we see if Fastlane was still an option, so we went to check it out & they were NOT sold out, it was going on 1pm! So we got our Fastlane cards($15 is a rip-off at least add two more rides to the 4!)We decided to use Fastlane on Raging Bull, when the lines were like hour to an hour & a half.....we waited like 15 minutes for front row, I believe we got the Red train first & when I sat down on it I got a slight cramp in my upper thighs & it hurt a little(last year in the Red Train I had a more painful cramp)but Ironically(sp?) right after the ride the cramp was gone! :shock: I guess it was the ride that did it! :D A little bit later my friend complained about his stomach hurting a little & I wanted to go on Superman it was around 1:45pm & so I told him to wait for me, while I go ride Superman, so I got in line it was 2pm & it took hour & 18 miuntes for front row, while in line I got a ton of GREAT pictures of SUF & I made sure I would lose nothing while riding, WOW!!!!!!!! Was it unlike any other coaster experience! Going up the lift looking down at the ground & the track right above U is hard to see a little, flying position is SOOOOO comfortable U got that soft cushioned pad for yr' stomach and it feels great, thanx B&M! Anyway it was Intense! ESP. the pretzel loop, a bit dis-orienting(sp?) but it was SOOOOOO fun, I can't wait to do it again next year when the ride has Fastlane! :P So when I got off SUF I decided to buy a on-ride photo of myself (5x7) & a SUF T-shirt & I lost NOTHING on SUF! 8) So I went back towards the area of Deja Vu & I found my friend getting a foot ma-sage(sp?) on one of those large barrel seats that U put 50 cents in, anyway we were about to go use our fastlane's again when the first 'stumble in the road' happened, I was looking for my fastlane & I could'nt find it & that's when I realized I must of dropped it while I was spending my mony either on SUF on-ride photo or the t-shirt! I was so pissed off! So I decided to ride Deja Vu it was about or close to 4pm, the line wait said 2 & a half hours! But before that I gave my friend some $ so he could buy some cheese fries & a coke & in exchange? HIS fastlane! So I told him to hold it while I go ride Deja Vu, because I was afarid I might lose it on Vu, so I got in line for Vu & while in line it was 4pm ish or so I heard the ride ops say something about the weather if it got worse 'we can't garrentee a ride for those in line, we will contiune to operate as long as we can'' something like that & I was thinking oh no, NOT now! But it only drizzeled a little bit, nothing to serious, so when I got to the front row of Vu it only took 1 Hour & a half! That saved me some time, because the line was slow moving in the yellow tent, then when we started walking under the boomerang part the line sped up REALLY FAST, to the point wher we reached the wooden deck of the station........then it slowed down again at the station, those ride ops! :roll: I was in line with two VERY hot chick in front of me(I was the one with the Grey Washington Wizards #23 T-Shirt)So we got to those odd looking doors on Deja Vu for each row, the train that left before us there was this girl in B1 that U could see the fear in her eyes! So then it was our turn we got in I was on B1 too & the two hot chicks were on the middle, she was so scared of this thing because' she was never on it before, I love this ride! It was quite crazy! So after Vu I met up with my friend again & we decided to head for American Eagle next, but before that we went to the bathroom where I changed my shirt to the SUF shirt I bought(I'm glad I did that!) My friend was carring around my bag witm my SUF on-ride photo & my two disposable cameras, that had some of the best pics on them & my Wizards T-shirt........Anyway we went to the Eagle & took the Red Train(front) it was around 5:15 ish & the Eagle ops raced our Train & we WON! :P 8) After Eagle I used my friends Fastlane for Iron Wolf & I got on the front row, very fast, no wonder they call the wolf a walk-on! I had a better ride on the wolf then the two previous years I rode it.....so I took a couple of pics of the wolf from the exit line & when I met up with my friend I empted all my pockets & tied my shoes on tight & secured my glasses tight too, held everything for me, because I was just about to ride V2 using Fastlane, it was 6:45pm & I took front row & it was quite a rush! Great ride! I was done with V2 by 7:20pm & we rushed back towards the Columbia Carousel area for dinner & then I told them, I had to get to RB before 8pm, so I ran like crazy through & past the area & I got to RB with fastlane at about 7:45pm, I took the front on the Teal Train & enjoed another ride on RB....Now I headed back to the Columbia Carousel area hoping to find the group there again,and I picked up a couple of maps NOW because I would'nt think I need one right away because I know my way around the park.... I did'nt find the group & it was now close to 8:30pm so I waited on the pool bricks for about 25 minutes, I was getting pissed because they did'nt show up, were they still eating dinner in the parking lot or were they looking for me? I tried to ask for help at Guest Relations & they turned me down then I tried lost parents in Hometown Square & they turned mr down, I was thinking they were at the Bugs Bunny Show so I went over there & looked around, no sign yet, plus my friend was watching my bag with the SUF on-ride photo I had gotten eariler & the two cameras were in there too, with my Wizards shirt, so then finally I find them it's now 9pm & I decide to take my friend on one last ride on RB and we get the yellow train & it was a nice & great way to end the day, so we walked out of the park at 10pm & when we got back to my friends house, I suddenly realized that the bag that had my on-ride photo of SUF & my two out of 3 cameras, and my Wizards T-shirt has been forgotton at the PARK right by the looney tunes show & now I was pissed off even more & I am still pissed today because of it! :evil: :evil: :cry:But at least I had my SUF shirt on or else I would of lost it too! :(BUT I hope next year is alot better then this year, and I am determined to get a Season Pass for NEXT year.................................Well that's what my day was like............at least the weather did not open to downpours & heavy rains & winds & lightning!
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Postby Timmy179 on August 12th, 2003, 3:02 pm
good tr. Superman will NEVER get fastlane
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Postby goldmember on August 12th, 2003, 3:10 pm
If it will never get fastlane, I wonder why they built a line for it. Sure is a mystery.
My Top 5: 1)TTD, 2)Millennium Force, 3)Raptor, 4)Deja Vu, 5)Raging Bull

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Postby Do I Know You on August 12th, 2003, 4:08 pm
I thought Superman already had a fast lane o_O
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Postby Timmy179 on August 12th, 2003, 4:31 pm
ok atleast not next year, its line is still to long right now
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Postby SfGaMownz on August 12th, 2003, 5:11 pm
First, off the line doesn't matter in S:UFs case because it is rarely over an hour, it most likely will have fastlane next year. Sucks that you lost your Fastlane, and I can't belive Deja was that long of a wait, I haven't waited more then 55 minutes this year (4 rides), with most being in the middle of the day :?.

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Postby coasterguy on August 12th, 2003, 7:19 pm
Wow, you have gotten very lucky!
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Postby Mr. SFGAm on August 12th, 2003, 9:09 pm
The park was really busy on the 11th. TwistedSTEEL666, I must have been really close to you a few times, because I waited under those tracks for the chain to drop, and I must have walked by you if you waited for front on Batman, because we rode it right away, but didn't wait for front :shock: (I was wearing a blue & white checkered Tommy shirt with cargo pants)
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Postby TwistedSTEEL666 on August 13th, 2003, 5:59 pm
for all those wondering about Fastlane for SUF, I asked the ride op, he said it would get it NEXT year. :DOh, and NOW i NEED a season pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)BTW, does anyone know of a official site where I can find SFGam On-ride photos from previous days? :?
SECOND 2014 VISIT: May 24th, 2014.
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Postby goldmember on August 13th, 2003, 6:34 pm
My friend asked a ride op for Iron Wolf and they said SUF would get fastlane next year too. Only time will tell.
My Top 5: 1)TTD, 2)Millennium Force, 3)Raptor, 4)Deja Vu, 5)Raging Bull

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