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July 5, 2012 SFGAm. PTR

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby icantwaittilxflight on July 6th, 2012, 7:36 pm
So, we knew it was going to be hot out, and we were ready. We live south of chicago, so we left the house around 9. We finally arrived at SF around 9:50. Not bad timing.. We got in the park, and went straight to X-Flight. It was the first time that we had rode XF this season, and we did not know what to expect. The line didn't start until the split under the station. From there, we only waited for about 15 minutes. We decided to go with the "whichever row is shortest" method, and chose right side 6th row. The ride was cool. I think that the worst part about it is the grey padding in the harness. Today my collar bones are sore from the harness pressing down on them so hard. I really liked the keyhole. Then we continued our day. We didn't have to wait longer than 30 minutes until we walked back to XF. We saw the line was moving pretty quickly, and we decided to jump in the line. Once we got to the station we heard the operator say "we have ceased operation at this time." The weather started getting strange. Luckily, we were under cover in the station when it started to downpour. I feel bad for the people on the stairs that got soaked. Atleast the ride ops were cleaning the trains while waiting.. We waited for about an hour and decided we would ride front row. We rode left side front row, and it was a completely different experience than our ride earlier. Superman was only running one train, and the line was 90 minutes. We didn't feel like riding after we saw that. V2 and Batman also had slow moving lines, so we skipped them because we knew that we would be back later in the season. Overall, it was a good day at Six Flags.

Ride Count: X-Flight 2
Raging Bull 2
Viper 2
American Eagle 2
Buccaneer Battle 1
Yankee Clipper 1
Dark Knight 1
Wahoo Racers 1

And now for some pictures......(most of X-Flight)

And then I decided to take a picture of the train while we were waiting during the storm..

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Joined: January 12th, 2012, 4:02 pm

Postby CoasterNick3157 on July 7th, 2012, 1:42 am
SUF running one train again WTF.

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Postby icantwaittilxflight on July 9th, 2012, 5:38 pm
CoasterNick3157 wrote:SUF running one train again WTF.

That's exactly what I said. And I personally don't think SUF is worth waiting for 90 minutes

Posts: 85
Joined: January 12th, 2012, 4:02 pm

Postby Jackluver18 on July 9th, 2012, 8:08 pm
Picture number 6 is awesome. I love it
SF trips 09 = 15
SF trips 10= 11
SF trips 11 =7

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Joined: October 16th, 2005, 12:54 am
Location: Moved from X-Flight's station to Bull.

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