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Germany Trip Report (Holiday Park Posted!)

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby JT3 on August 14th, 2014, 1:05 pm
I left one June 16 with my family on what would become my largest vacation, and most memorable. I would get to see family I had never seen before, see some incredible landscapes and culture, try some good German food, and of course....ride some rollercoasters! My dad loves rollercoasters also, and I am very lucky that on each vacation some coasters are always thrown into the mix.

First off, let me just say that I absolutely love Germany in itself. Everything is so laid back there. The hospitality that people show over there is so amazing. The landscaping is so amazing...It felt as if I were walking in an art piece. The beautiful mountains and villages add to this, but it is also the upkeep. You will never find a rust bucket car on the highway, you will never see a run down home, you will never see any garbage lying around, etc. The German people take pride in taking care of things and this is evident.

Some of the non-theme-park things I visited were Heidelberg, Rothenburg, Munich, Neuschwanstein castle,
the Black Forrest, Strasbourg (France), and Dachau (concentration camp).


*all photos were not taken by me


On the first Saturday of our trip, we headed to Tripsdrill. Tripsdrill will always be a special place to me because I found out that my family owns some land that is filled with vineyards adjacent to the park. I have heard of Tripsdrill before, but never knew that my family had land right next to it...pretty cool! Anyways, from the moment I stepped into the place, it became one of the most charming parks I have ever seen. Everything looks so nice, and the park is extremely family friendly. There are flowers everywhere, beautiful buildings, and unique attractions. These unique attractions, however, is what really makes Tripsdrill so memorable. There were so many rides that you have never seen before in this place, and the one that stands out is the Tree Top Drop Tower. This thing is....its....I dunno. Interesting. Just watch:

This is probably the only ride in the world where the ride "falling apart" is in the ride sequence. Although, ofcourse its safe, You truly do feel like your going to die when the thing tips forward :lol: . One of the coolest rides Ive ever been on. Great fun!

You may have heard of the legendary "Bath Tub Log Flume" themed after bathing ladies. If you haven't, trust me I'm not lying. Although a bit strange, it is the strangeness that makes Tripsdrill so awesome.

There were many other awesome rides, such as spinning barrels that would travel down a long track trough the trees and flowers, a raft ride themed after dirty laundry...yep, and these bikes that you could ride that were purposely made weird so that they would bounce up and down as you would ride them...its hard to explain haha.

Alright, time for the coasters!

Rasender Tausendfussler

One of those really fun Zierer coasters that can also be found at SFGAdv. I always really enjoy these rides, especially the freakishly long train. The coaster is also surprisingly loud! It almost feels like a smaller version of the Whizzer.
Rating: 6.0/10

G'sengte Sau

Oh, was I excited for this one. Its almost as if you take the cars of a Wild Mouse, put them on a Tony Hawk's Big Spin type layout, add three or four consecutive airtime hills at the end, surround it with a castle, and plant lush greenery around the whole ride. Not to mention the theming inside the queue line (something that is evident in basically all German coasters). How was the ride? About as good as a Wild Mouse can get. The helixes (about four of them) were so awesome because you would get so close to hitting the castle and the bushes. The only thing that disappointed me a bit was that I didn't get much airtime on the hills, but still, this is one of the best family coasters out there and has one awesome layout. 7.5/10


Speaking of one of the best family coasters....Mammut is deceiving because it looks like a GCI coaster. Infact, I thought it was until I got off of it and realized it didn't feel like one, and did not have Millennium Flyers. Later I realized it was an Intamin. Because It looks like a GCI, I was thinking the ride would be an intense action packed coaster that doesn't give you a second to relax...it wasn't, but that doesn't mean I was disappointed in it. The ride is really cool in that it actually has a dark ride portion before the lift. What other wood coaster does that? The ride has some decent air on a couple hills, but it is mostly a ride that is built for a smooth and plain fun experience, and it does that quite well. Its another ride that is thrilling, yet very family friendly. 7.5/10

Ok...enough family friendly


Karacho is a wild ride. It is probably the only ride in the park that focuses on the Thrills rather than fun for the whole family. That's not to say young kids would not enjoy Karacho, they just half to be a bit on the brave side. I must say, although I wasn't nervous, the wait is a bit scary because where you get on the ride, all you can see is the car turn the corner and disappear. Then, underneath you, you can hear people screaming, yet it is pitch black. It makes you think that there has to be a few surprises down there, but what could it be? Karacho features a steep drop, heartline roll, and powerful launch in the first ten seconds of the ride...that's what they are screaming about. You then burst out into the daylight and go up a pretty large top hat featuring some decent air. You then go through some quick turns and a large inversion before getting to my personal favorite part of the ride.

Because there is no over the shoulder harness, and the transition is so quick, Karacho chucks you upside down aggressively, but not painfully, and throws you into the tunnel. This part was so wild, such a quick and thrilling maneuver. Once you come out, your upsideown again for an awesome corkscrew.
Overall Karacho is very very awesome. In fact, its great. Its so action packed, so thrilling, and no over the shoulder harness. This is the perfect ride for Great America, guys... a great launch coaster with some wild maneuvers that has good length and is intense all the way through. Ill miss this ride. 9/10

So overall, Tripsdrill is such a special place that is perfect for what it is. When looking through the eye of a family park, its a 10/10..but in the big picture, its a 9/10 only because I feel that a perfect score is reserved for the mainstream parks like Cedar Point and Europa.

Speaking of Europa, stay tuned for part 2 featuring the amazing Europa Park and part 3 for Holiday Park!

Thanks for reading guys! Be back soon.
Last edited by JT3 on August 26th, 2014, 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1. Bizarro 2. Expedition GeForce
3. X2 4. Top Thrill Dragster 5. El Toro 6. Goliath (SFGAm) 7. Millennium Force 8. Silver Star 9. Apollo's Chariot 10. Goliath (SFOG)

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Postby JT3 on August 19th, 2014, 1:42 pm
About a week after we went to Tripsdrill, it was time to head to the biggest and most anticipated park of the trip, Europa Park! Not only did I want to go to this park badly, but my Dad did also. He kept telling the rest of my family that the park is as if Disney and Six Flags had a baby. Ha, and it truly is! The incredible theming and atmosphere of Disney, but with some big thrill machines like Silver Star.

We stayed at the Hotel Colosseo. And....it was at this moment where I realized just how amazing Europa Park is, The Hotel is breathtaking. It was honestly incredible, and is the best hotel I stayed at. It had incredible theming all over the hotel and the rooms, a nice pool, and awesome restaurants. There were about five hotels, but ours was the nicest in my opinion. There was even a New England themed hotel...in Europa Park :lol: . Oh well, it looked nice.
In the morning, after our delicious breakfast at the hotel, we were able to get into the park 30 minutes early with our stay at the hotel. We were in the park at 8:30! I noticed that all of the German theme parks I went too open pretty early, but close early also.

My first impression of the park was the same as my first impression of the hotel...wow. Everything was so taken care off. The bushes looked perfect, the flowers were abundant and were everywhere, the grass was perfect, and NO WEEDS! :lol: It was like walking through a giant garden.

*before I start, I will first mention each ride in order of when we rode them, then I will review them at the end.

We were originally going to do the new attraction called Arthur, a Mack inverted powered coaster, but realized it was not opening until noon. I also realized that the only rides we actually were able to ride on before the park opened were in the Austria area. So we rode Alpenexpress, a Mack powered mine train. We also rode the log flume in the area, and got surprisingly soaked on it. It was about 9 at this time, and the rest of the park was opening, so we moved on and rode the monsters in the Iceland area of the park, Wodan Timbur Coaster and Blue Fire.
The icleand area, like all parts of the park, was awesome looking.

We then headed to the Portugal section to ride Atlantica SuperSplash. We then headed for the infamous and very strange Euro Mir. After Euro Mir, we headed to the Greek area to ride the impressive looking Poseidon, a giant water coaster. We then rode Pegasus, a Mack family coaster. The Greek area of the park was one of my favorite themed parts. Unfortunatley we did not ride the shooting dark ride in the area, we found out about it after we left the park. :cry:
We then rode the king of the park, and the biggest coaster in Germany, Silver Star. After riding the biggest coaster, It was time for the much anticipated new ride, Arthur. We waited the longest for Arthur, about 40 minutes. The theming for Arthur is incredible, and the entire part of the park, called Grimm's Enchanted Forest, is maybe the best looking kids section of any park I have been in. Its themed after the Brothers Grimm, and it was such a nice setting.

Up next was something I will never forget. It will go down as the most unique dinning experience I have ever had. It was called "Food Loop". Your food does a loop, and takes a roller coaster ride before stopping at your table.

So I order some Spaghetti with a Coke, and I saw my food travel up a large lift up to the ceiling, go down a huge drop, travel through a loop, and spiral down to my table....Amazing!

And the food was pretty good for being thrown around in the air! You see, even the dining experience at Europa Park is memorable. Its things like this that make Europa Park amazing.

We were worried that we might not have enough time to ride everything in one day, but to our surprise, it was about 2 and we only needed 3 more coasters to get the full collection!

We rode Schweizer Bobbahn, my first Mack Bobsled, and then headed to the awesomely themed Matterhorn Blitz , which was a Mack wild mouse. The swiss area of the park, with its secluded and narrow village pathways just may be my favorite themed land. But then again, every inch of this park is just about perfect, Its hard to have a favorite anything!

We then rode the indoor, space themed Euro Sat to complete the coaster collection.

We took a stroll through a secluded gardens section of the park by the front entrance. It was so well kept, so perfect...I only became more amazed of this place as the day went on.

We re-rode some of our favorite rides, Blue Fire, Wodan, and Silver Star before closing. I don't think I have ever been so sad walking out of an amusement park...One day is too short of a time to visit a remarkable place like this.

Other Rides I rode

Fjord Rafting
Sleigh Ride "Snowflake"...a Russian dark ride (the only crappy ride there!)
Pirates in Batavia (Pirate Dark Ride)
Ghost Castle (Haunted Dark Ride)
Flat ride in Switzerland (forgot name)


Alpenexpress: my first powered coaster, and I thought it was fun! It is maybe even better than some Arrow Mine Train's because it is so smooth, it had a really cool dark ride section with fire, and a nice little drop in the dark. Its short, but they send you around twice to make up for it. 6.5/10

Atlantica SuperSplash: I did it for the credit, but I actually thought it was pretty fun! It had a unique backwards drop, which was kind of cool. My biggest concern, getting drenched, was the biggest relief because all I got was a nice mist on my face. Overall, its an improved version of Splash Water Falls that is considered a coaster because of its backwards drop. 6/10

EuroSat: This ride had an awesome spiral lift with techno music (also found on Euro Mir). The anticipation is high because its pitch black, and you just keep going and going on the spiral lift, which makes you think that you are much higher than you really are. Aside from some nasty transitions, the ride is thrilling and has some tricks up its sleeve. 6.0/10

Pegasus: I actually really enjoyed this coaster. I was expecting something similar to Spacely's but this ride is much more thrilling with some airtime even, yet it stays true to its purpose as a family coaster. Good Ride! 6/10

Schweizer Bobbahn: This, in my opinion is the best Bobsled coaster I have ever been on. The transitions are quick, there are some forces, and it is not constantly slowed down by Mid Course break runs like the Intamin versions. It is a bit short, otherwise I really enjoyed this ride as it dodged the Swiss Village below. 7/10

Euro Mir

This ride was highly anticipated, mostly for its uniqueness. It takes a good five minutes for Euro Mir to get to first drop from its station, so be prepared for a highly climatic beginning with its epic lift hill that spins you will going up in a spiral. I went down the big drop forwards, yet I was then spun backwards after that for the remaining of my ride. Overall, I wish I would have gone forward for most of the ride the gage a better feeling for the true ride, but going backwards was part of the experience. I was a tiny bit disappointed by Euro Mir, but its uniqueness and awesome lift hill keep it a memorable experience. 7.5/10


This ride looked epic, and it was. The first half is all coaster. Other than a couple of rough bumps, Poseidon's coaster part is good fun. I really loved diving into a tunnel, then coming out and hitting an unexpected splashdown. After, you have a relaxing cruise up to the second lift hill. The second drop has some seriously good airtime. You dive under the monorail and over a wave of water to cap off the awesome ride. Poseidon is one of the best water rides I have ever been on, and is a long ride to boot. 8/10

Matterhorn Blitz

You would be hard pressed to find a ride that benefits more off of theming than this one. Its a Mack wild mouse, same layout as Ricochet at KD. But what makes this one so awesome? It has an elevator lift that shakes and rumbles as it goes up. Its honestly such an awesome add on to a coaster, and was such a nice surprise. It also has a queue line that features an entire set of animatronics in a house that all move while this alpine song is playing. All that theming for a wild mouse! It also has loads of buildings and tunnels along the ride, it really spices it up. I love this ride, and its theming alone makes this the best wild mouse coaster out there. That elevator lift...so cool. 7.5/10

Wodan Timbur Coaster

An epic wooden coaster. It has an awesome first drop, and from there it is all chaos and madness. The ride has such good pacing, and has some awesome tunnels and little pops of air. Out of the two other GCI's ive ridden, American Thunder and Apocalypse, Wodan is the perfect mix. It has the airtime of AT, but the intensity of Apocalypse...which is a great combination. I'm surprised that this coaster is not mentioned much, because it is one action packed, great coaster. Wodan is a 8.5/10, but its close to a 9. Its the most intense ride at Europa.

Blue Fire Megacoaster

Its a ride that I thought was good from the beginning, but got even better as I rode it more. After my third lap, It was certain...Blue Fire is one of the best launched coasters around. The entire ride is very graceful...but that last inline twist, that thing is wild. You only have a lap bar, and the twist throws you so fast around, you really are ejected out of your seat. Its one of the best inversions out there. The pre-launch part of the ride is an awesome touch, and it is what makes blue fire such a memorable ride. The loop is big and smooth with some hang time, the corkscrews are nice and you get an upside down head chopper as you dodge one of the rocks, and there is some odd lateral g's going into the brake run. The only thing I wish is that the launch would of been a bit faster, but other than that, a brilliant ride. 9/10

Silver Star

I was expecting a trimmed to death, decent ride. I heard all over TPR that Silver Star is one of the worst B&M hyper coasters. It just goes to show that your opinion can end up being drastically different, because Silver Star is phenomenal. It isn't only my favorite coaster in the park, but its my favorite B&M hyper. Yeah, I like it better than Apollo's, Nitro, Goliath, and Raging Bull. But its not only my favorite B&M hyper, its my favorite B&M period! I have never gotten so much airtime on a B&M before. The drop was good, every hill had air, with some even being ejector air. In the back seat, the drop out of the helix is one of the best moments of airtime I have ever had. On my first ride, I was waiting for the trims....and I kept waiting...and waiting, until I reached the break run and realized they weren't on! So I assume others who didn't like it rode it with the trims on, because Silver Star was a surprise hit and it ended up in my top ten. Truly an elite coaster. And it even finishes with some quick laterals on the last s-bend. 9.5/10


Even though Silver Star is my favorite coaster in the park, Arthur is the best experience. Yeah, its hard to call it a coaster because you can't really rank it with any other coaster. What are you going to compare it too? Millennium Force? The ride's show building is incredible. Its a huge dome where Arthur soars above the people below, and travels in and out of the building on its grand adventure. Its a long ride, and the seats are very cool because they play music, turn different directions, and vibrate all while traveling along the ride. Most of the ride is dark ride, and a very good one, but occasionally it breaks free and does some fun coaster bits. At the end of the ride, the last coaster part is super fun. I remember it zig zagging back and forth, and it really felt like I was flying. The ride ends, and you immediately realize how awesome that experience was. Its Disney quality, and just as good as one of there rides. Its one of the most well done rides I have ever ridden, and in my opinion, should win the golden ticket for best new ride. (I love Goliath, but I must admit.) I'm so happy that I had the chance to ride this. 10/10

Phew....lots of typing, so Ill keep my conclusion short. Europa Park is my favorite amusement park. And really, and other competition does not come close. Every square inch is beautiful, the rides are awesome, and food is even good. There is stuff for everyone there. If you are a theme park lover, its a must visit. Its just too bad its so far away!

Feel free to comment! Coming Soon, Part 3 with Holiday Park and the amazing expedition GeForce!
1. Bizarro 2. Expedition GeForce
3. X2 4. Top Thrill Dragster 5. El Toro 6. Goliath (SFGAm) 7. Millennium Force 8. Silver Star 9. Apollo's Chariot 10. Goliath (SFOG)

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Postby FParker185 on August 21st, 2014, 12:14 am
Very cool.

When Silver Star first opened Mack didn't want it to outshine their own product and it was extremely trimmed, but over the years they've been easing up on, sounds like now finally they turned em off.

I love Euorpa can can't wait to go back, probably in 2016 when Kolmarden opens their new RMC and I can do a Sweden/Germany trip. Figure I'll take the oppertunity to drag up my own text heavy-picture light TR :)
Favorite Wood Coasters: The Voyage, Ravine Flyer II, Thunderhead, Balder
Favorite Steel: Steel Vengeance, Expedition GeForce, Olympia Looping
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Postby JT3 on August 21st, 2014, 10:49 pm
^ Thanks for the reply! I think I actually have read your TR before now that you bring it up. Its nice to find someone who has actually been to Europa, because you want to explain to the people who haven't been there just how awesome it is, but words don't do it justice. Its just something you need to experience.
1. Bizarro 2. Expedition GeForce
3. X2 4. Top Thrill Dragster 5. El Toro 6. Goliath (SFGAm) 7. Millennium Force 8. Silver Star 9. Apollo's Chariot 10. Goliath (SFOG)

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Postby FParker185 on August 22nd, 2014, 2:59 am
Oh for sure, they manage to out-Disney Disney. Like it was explained to me if there is a way to do something for $1 or do the same thing for $100, even if the results are basically the same, they go the $100 route, and it shows. Only way to understand it is to go there.
Favorite Wood Coasters: The Voyage, Ravine Flyer II, Thunderhead, Balder
Favorite Steel: Steel Vengeance, Expedition GeForce, Olympia Looping
Parks visited: 222, Coasters Ridden: Steel: 822, Wood: 178, Total: 1000

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Postby JT3 on August 22nd, 2014, 7:44 am
^ That's a good point, it is easy to tell they do it the "right way" and not the easy way.

What did you think of Tripsdrill?
1. Bizarro 2. Expedition GeForce
3. X2 4. Top Thrill Dragster 5. El Toro 6. Goliath (SFGAm) 7. Millennium Force 8. Silver Star 9. Apollo's Chariot 10. Goliath (SFOG)

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Postby FParker185 on August 22nd, 2014, 4:23 pm
Was there in 2006, though it was a great small park, loved The Gerstlauer Bobsled and the tub ride. Whole park was really nice though, loved the location, and love the rampant nudity throughout the park. And that pair of premeir drop towers is terrifying.
Favorite Wood Coasters: The Voyage, Ravine Flyer II, Thunderhead, Balder
Favorite Steel: Steel Vengeance, Expedition GeForce, Olympia Looping
Parks visited: 222, Coasters Ridden: Steel: 822, Wood: 178, Total: 1000

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Postby JT3 on August 26th, 2014, 2:02 pm
Holiday Park

It was a Tuesday, and I was a bit sad because I would be flying back home on Thursday. It was one of my last vacation days, and last amusement park. I knew that Holiday Park would not be nearly as good as Europa Park, and maybe not even as good as Tripsdrill. However, I may have been the most excited for this park. Why is that? Do I even need to explain it? You already know..... Expedition GeForce. It was ranked #1 in the Mitch Hawker Poll. It was also ranked #1 in the Golden Ticket Award a few years back. It is an Intamin Mega coaster, the same as Bizarro, my favorite coaster. It is highly touted the cream of the crop.

As we pulled in to the park, I saw the parks huge drop tower and sky screamer rides, but my attention was of course focused on Expedition GeForce. I also saw the Premier Launch coaster that was new for this year. I was also excited for that ride, as it would be my first time on a ride of that kind.

I saw GeForce run, which was a huge relief as I kept worrying about if it would be closed when we were there. There was no reason for me to think the ride would be closed, but I just wanted to ride this thing so badly! :lol:


We entered the pretty nice looking entrance plaza, took our picture by the front gate, and headed inside. I heard that the entrance plaza has been changed under new ownership, and I think it looked really great! They even had a park museum. There were flowers everywhere, and it was a very nice first impression.

We first headed to EGF, of course, and were happy to see it was a walk on. Once we were about to get on...the thing broke down. I was worried. Because as I said before, I was worried that the ride would be closed, and I was really hoping it wasn't a sign from God telling me not to get my hopes up :lol: .

So we left and did the drop tower. Anubis, which is the rides name, is based off that cheesy Nickelodeon show "House of Anubis" . I am used to waiting in fear for drop towers. Lex Luthor was intimidating when you would wait in line. Acrophobia was intimidating when you would wait in line. Heck, even Giant Drop is intimidating!
But this thing is playing children's music in line. It has pictures around the station of the characters making silly faces. Honestly, the ride itself was a normal, good Intamin drop tower, but I would honestly rank it below Giant Drop just because of the ridiculous theming :lol: . Why in the world would they theme a drop tower after a kids show???

But from the top of Anubis, we saw Expedition GeForce running! So of course we did that after. The first rode it in the middle, as it was the shortest wait and I just wanted to make sure I got on. How was it? I will review it at the bottom in the coaster reviews :D .

We re-rode GeForce, then headed to the parks log flume. This one had a logger's run type drop with some good theming and even a backwards drop. Every log flume I rode in Germany was good, and this was no exception.

We got some food, then headed too Holly's Wilde Autofahrt. Then we did the new attraction, Sky Scream and got right on! The only time we waited the whole day was when we decided to ride EGF in the front.

We rode Lighthouse Tower, the park's towering swing ride, and it was good just like all the others. Unlike some, I would really want one of these at SFGAm.

We walked around a bit, re rode some rides, then headed to the dark ride Burg Falkenstein. The ride was pretty good, but it was way too dark in there. I couldn't even see anything! They also had scare actors, which was kinda cool and unique. It was not my favorite dark ride of the trip, but it was pretty good.

I rode the raft ride, which was pretty good! I also saw these kids standing up on the ride. They hit the rocks and they almost fell out of the raft! Stupid...

After this we re-rode GeForce until it was time to leave.

Before I get into my reviews of the coasters, I would like the say that Holiday Park is just OK. It has some awesome rides, but as for the park itself, it feels a bit empty. It doesn't just feel empty because there was no one there, but There is just a lot of empty holes where there is nothing to do.

Image your taking a walk through a flat, yet dense forest. It feels as if your at a nature park. You are walking, and suddenly you see a ride. Then you walk some more, and there is a small building. You walk even further and there are some flowers. You see, the nature feel is good, but they don't add anything to the nature. Its just mostly all trees. Once you get past the front gate, there is only one part of the whole park that has legit theme park buildings. The rest is just forest with rides sprinkled around. It just feels as If its a bit bare. It like if you made a park in RCT and you built a couple coasters, food stands, rides, and then just put trees around them. Its kinda cool, but it also is kinda boring.

I would just prefer more buildings and theming. At Europa and Tripsdrill, it was the constant theming and buildings that made those places great. Compared to those, Holiday Park feels boring. The only reason for me to go to Holiday Park is for the rides, while I would go to the other two parks for the whole experience.
The park wasn't dirty, it wasn't run down, but it was just a bit bland. Park rating: 6/10, but the rides make it a 7/10.

Ride Reviews...

Expedition GeForce


Here we go. Expedition GeForce is really the perfect roller coaster for putting your hands up and having a good time. Its smooth, graceful, but still aggressive in that it throws you out of your seat. Its aggressive on the drop, the airtime hills, yet smooth and graceful on the turn arounds. Its a great mix.

The first drop, back seat, is like nothing I have ever experienced before. First, you get thrown off of the top, pulled down aggressively and you get tossed out of your seat. But that's not enough. Then, the ride gives you some insane laterals and twists you the other way around. The rest of the drop you can feel the steepness and the speed you are picking up. The next hill is a good three whole seconds of weightlessness. I was out of my seat on the ENTIRE hill. It was amazing. The overbank after that is good and smooth, and then you hit the biggest ejector air moment. The hill tosses you out, then yanks you down as the other track creates a nice head chopper. It is one of the strongest moments of airtime you will find on a coaster. You travel along some over banks for some nice graceful manuvers, then hit a thrilling s-bend type airtime hill that gives some good laterals. It is then time for the grand finale. Four ejector airtime hills in a row. The first two give some ridiculous head choppers. Then the last two are even stronger, and cap off an amazing ride perfectly.

I assume most of you have not been on Expedition GeForce, I know FParker185 has but I don't know about the rest of you. This is the best way to describe the ride:

First Drop: Pulled Down like the backseat of Goliath, then Twist on the way down like Top Thrill Dragster
Airtime Hills: All similar to Goliath. The strongest airtime hill on EGF is stronger than Goliath, but the weakest one is only a little less than Goliath. The
Overbanks: Millennium Force's overbanks on the island.

Just combine all of these, and that's a pretty close description.

The only thing I think the ride needs is a helix. But that's such a small gripe. Bizarro has a great mix of positive and negative G's, while Expedition GeForce is mostly all negatives. So because of that Bizarro might be a better coaster by only a tiny bit, just because it has the perfect layout to me. Expedition GeForce though, has more airtime than Bizarro. Overall Expedition GeForce gets a 10/10, as sits at my number two spot. Not quite as good as Bizarro, but just a tad better than X2.

Sky Scream


I was excited for this also. The ride is one of the craziest looking things, and it rode like it too. It first launches backwards, and you hang sideways. It then launches you right to the top, and you get a LOT of airtime at the top. It was a nice surprise. The roll at the top was a bit scary, and It had some serious hang time. Then, you dive straight down into a spiral and then go into the rides non-inverting loop, which was my first time on such an element.

My reaction? Awesome ride that, unfortunately, has some uncomfortable shin guards. I don't mind shin guards, but the ones on Sky Scream dug into your legs uncomfortably. Its odd because I have never heard complaints on the other trains like this at SFDK and SFMM for Full Throttle. Its unfortunate, but the trains do dock some points from the ride. Otherwise, its an awesome coaster. 8/10

Holly's Wilde Autofahrt

I don't mind a wild mouse, but this one sucked. It had breaks that would slam you and give you whiplash, and the restraints were metal bars that allowed you to slide into them on the hairpin turns. The Dark Knight is much better than this ride. Holly's Wilde Autofahrt is the worst wild mouse I've ridden. Easily the worst. 4/10

That's it! That's my entire European trip report. I have decided to do some ranking to cap off my entire report.


1. Expedition GeForce 10/10
2. Arthur 10/10 (for the experience, not the coaster itself)
3. Silver Star 9.5/10
4. Blue Fire 9/10
5. Karacho 9/10
6. Wodan Timbur Coaster 8.5/10
7. Sky Scream 8/10
8. Poseidon 8/10
9. Mammut 7.5/10
10. Matterhorn Blitz 7.5/10
11. G'sengte Sau 7.5/10
12. Euro Mir 7.5/10
13. Schweizer Bobbahn 7/10
14. AlpenExpress 6.5/10
15. Euro Sat 6/10
16. Atlantica Supersplash 6/10
17. Pegasus 6/10
18. Rausender Tausendfussler 6/10
19. Holly's Wilde Autofahrt 4/10


1. Europa Park 10/10
2. Holiday Park 8.5/10
3. Tripsdrill 7.5/10

1. Europa Park 10/10
2. Tripsdrill 9/10
3. Holiday Park 7/10

Thanks for reading! Please Comment!
1. Bizarro 2. Expedition GeForce
3. X2 4. Top Thrill Dragster 5. El Toro 6. Goliath (SFGAm) 7. Millennium Force 8. Silver Star 9. Apollo's Chariot 10. Goliath (SFOG)

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Postby FParker185 on August 27th, 2014, 8:53 pm
Haven't been to Holiday Park since Plopsa bought the place, but before, while it was a half day park at the absolute best, it really felt like the Knoebels of Europe, seems they continue adding heaps of corporate themeing. I liked the drop tower before, I have no idea what the theme was, but there were 3 pre-shows, and each featured a *very* busty blonde "scientist" and some other scientist guy who would talk a lot, and whenever he'd stop she'd go YAAAA?! She also leaned forwards a lot in a very low cut scientist outfit. It was the perfect preshow x3. I seem to remember an effect in the haunted house as well where this one scene would be illuminated, I want to say an executioner going to chop off someones head and just before the ax hit the neck it'd go dark and it'd pretty much hose you down with warm water at that point.
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Postby JT3 on August 29th, 2014, 11:38 am
^ Things sound like they have changed dramatically since Holiday Park's new ownership. Yeah, the drop tower has a kids show theme now...so opposite of what you said was there before :lol: . I do remember getting wet on the dark ride, but I couldn't see the executioner because it was too freaking dark!
1. Bizarro 2. Expedition GeForce
3. X2 4. Top Thrill Dragster 5. El Toro 6. Goliath (SFGAm) 7. Millennium Force 8. Silver Star 9. Apollo's Chariot 10. Goliath (SFOG)

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