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The Mess That Is Great America

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby 1stcarraggingbullhunny on August 20th, 2003, 9:14 pm
We went to SFGA on a monday and a tuesday. The 11th of august and the 12th. Everything but splash water falls was up and running. It didnt seem hot enough to even do water rides so we left them alone. We hit every coaster in the park in those two days. Even DV. The only two we didnt go on is V2, and the whizzer. I dislike V2 and Whizzer is not exciteing. and on the second day we went it was closed. IW is getting unbelievably rough, not to mention it is very uncomfortable for the male riders that accomp. Us. The park was crowded, but the longest we waited in any line was for S:UF that took a little over two hours. It was because some of the cars when they returned were failing to right back into a seated possition. I understand its a new ride it has bugs to work out. Very cool coaster though!! I dont have a season pass like most of you do. I am lucky if I get there once a year and it is always in august. For the last nine years there hasnt been a time once yet, where we have gone down and a ride has been shut down for both days that we are there. Except one occasion and that was last year and shockwave. But we kind of figured that it was because it was going to be romoved. I see people complaining about DV and it not running. If its down because it is broken or there are still underlying bugs yet to be worked out, thats understandable. I would much rather miss a ride on something, then have something go wrong with the ride while I am on it. -RBH-
Waaahhhhh Whhhoooo, coming thru!!!

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Joined: August 20th, 2003, 7:18 pm
Location: Wisconsin


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